Ch 1: Why Am I Like This

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It's been days since I felt weird like this. I can't even look him in the eye properly anymore! It's irritating as heck. Mostly, I don't know how I'm going to be dealing with it. All I know is that no one, absolutely no one can know..
That I have feelings..
For Hinata.

Daichi: okay, good job everyone! Time to clean up.
Suga: hah, today was a little more tiring than usual, don't you think?
Asahi: mhm I think something's up with the duo over there.
Daichi: what do you mean?
Asahi: uh-uheh..not to sound rude or anything but Kageyama seems to be distracted a lot today but it's nothing new really, those kids always get too excited from time to time.
Suga: actually I noticed that too. But eh, if there was something to worry about, he would tell us.
Daichi: that's kageyama we're talking about.
Suga: there there. We got this right seniors?

Hinata: Kageyama!!
Kageyama: oi. Stop shouting, I'm right here.
Hinata: I have an extra juice box today, wanna have it?

A juice box From Hinata?? No I can't accept it, I might just as well burst from happiness.

Kageyama: what? Why don't you just drink it?
Hinata: I would but I'm really full. I feel like my stomach's about to explode any minute!
Kageyama: then let it explode.
Hinata: oi! That's not very nice of you Kageyama! Come on just take it, no one's here to have it anyway. It would be a waste to just throw it away.
Kageyama: .. Fine. Give it to me.

-as Hinata reached for Kageyama's hand, he placed the juice box on his large palm and gave him a smile-

He's too cute. Why is he smiling right now? That's not even necessary! Is he teasing me? This idiot!
Kageyama: mrph.. Lets go home.
Hinata: okay!
Kageyama: hey you idiot! Don't get a head start!
-kageyama arrives at his home and laid his tired body on to his bed. -

Agh I didn't wanna see him go.. I should've invited him to do something but what?.. Wait..
Why am I thinking of ways to stay with Hinata??? That's so lame!
Agh lemme just sleep. This idiot is occupying my mind too much, I can't handle it.

Rrriiing- rrrriing..
Wth? Who would call at this hour? It's literally 10 in the evening.

-kageyama picked his phone up and rubbed his eyes to see who's calling him at this hour.-

( idiot tangerine) is calling..

Hm? Why is he calling me this late..
Kageyama: oi. Why ar-
Hinata: K-k-.. Kagey.. Ka-..
Kageyama: Hinata? Hey what's going on?
Hinata: Kagey-.. Kageyama..
Kageyama: yes? What is it Hinata, speak up I can't hear you.
Hinata! : please.. H-help. Me

{call ended}

What? What's going on? He didn't even tell me anything else.
I better call the others. I'm getting worried.

No one's answering. This is making me nervous. Why did he call me and why did he sound as if he's in trouble. He was whispering and stuttering so
much plus its really late, could he be-

-kageyama widened his eyes and rose up from his bed, grabbed the nearest jacket he could find and rushed to their front door. He sprinted outside and to the last place he saw Hinata. He looked left and right to find the small orange boy but all he could see was narrow streets and car headlights.-

Where is that idiot? And why is my heart racing like this..

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