Ch 42: Game Convention

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Kageyama: c-coming!

Agh that idiot is rushing me, I don't  have time to wear my hair up, I'll just go out with my hair down, it's fine right?

Hinata: pff, Kageyama.. Did you actually prepare that much for breakfast?
Kageyama : oi. Don't laugh at me you idi- I mean, laugh all you want but at least I look decent while eating.
Hinata: hmph. It's just morning so it's understandable.
Hinata's mom: oh? Are you the famous Karasuno setter my son has been talking on and on and on about? Hinata: mooom!
Hinata's mom: what? I'm just really glad to finally meet him!
Kageyama: y-yes..nice to meet you, Mrs.
Hinata's mom: nice to meet you too, Kageyama Tobio.
Hinata: mom.. He uh, he's uh..
Hinata's mom: your boyfriend?
Hinata: HAAAHH? You knew all along didn't you?? That's why you came home so early! We didn't even have time to prepare or rehearse our lines!!
Hinata's mom: hehehe, of course I knew!
Kageyama: u-uhm, so are you really okay with um this?
Hinata's mom: hm? Yeah! Please take care of my adorable son Kageyama :)
Kageyama: o-of course! Thank you for your approval, miss. I really appreciate it.
Hinata's mom: you both are so cuuute! Go on and eat up:)
Hinata: okay!
Kageyama: okay.

Haa, that went way better than I expected, she's so kind and generous. Can't say the same about my parents though, I'm sure they'll make a huge fuss over the fact that I fell in love with a boy.. They've been setting me up with so many girls and I have been refusing for so many years... I understand if they'll be mad but I hope they accept us someday.. 
Hinata: bye Kageyama!! Walk carefully and don't trip!
Kageyama: okay bye! I'm not a baby you know.
Hinata's mom: bye Tobio! Come back sometime for lunch!
Natsu: byeee Tobio-Chan!

-the black haired boy waved goodbye to Hinata's family and walked down the hills to start his journey home-

(bzzz bzzz)



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I can come to the convention.. I'm so glad. I'm okay with him hanging out with other people but he just gets so friendly and touchy! He's taken now so he should practice a little distance hmph. It's not that I'm jealous, I'm just.. I'm just.. Okay fine I'm jealous.

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