Ch 25: I Miss You

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That can't be right.. I mean sure, I understand that she hates me right now but there's absolutely no secret that can bring me to jail..


Dang I'm doomed.

Sugawara: oh Kageyama!
Kageyama: ah hello Sugawara-san.
Sugawara: I heard you and Anne Marie broke up?
Kageyama: how'd you know?
Sugawara: word spreads around fast. Plus I heard Tanaka and Nishinoya screaming earlier about it so.
Kageyama: ah I see.
Sugawara: can I ask why did you guys break up?
Kageyama: I.. I don't really want to talk about it.
Sugawara: okay then! But uh Kageyama..
Kageyama: yes?
Sugawara: you do know it'd be better if you just tell the person you actually like the truth right? Who knows.. Maybe she likes you back. Or you know, he.

-Sugawara smirked and smiled. And after tapping Kageyama's shoulder, he walks like a cool guy who just gave awesome advice to his younger colleagues-

Ah, how did he know.. Does he know I like Hinata? He probably does.. I mean he is Sugawara-san after all. There's nothing he doesn't know from us.

What should I do? Should I just sit around and wait for Anne Marie to ruin my life? And can she actually do that? I mean she's dang rich so she probably can! I'm doooomed.

-Kageyama panics as his thoughts eat him up and soon, he couldn't think any longer so he proceeds to his home and take a nap-

There is no way she's mentally unstable. I mean, she looked perfectly fine when I was dating her. Was she hiding her ' psycho' side this whole time? And why name it psycho, if she really was sick in the head, she shouldn't be studying in our school then, AGH! This is killing me.
I need Hinata in times like this.

Hinata's POV

Ahh, I feel..

Kageyama and Anne Marie broke up and I should be sad for them but here I am, skipping merrily in the streets, happy that Kageyama and his girlfriend broke up! I'm such a meanie. Why do I feel like this. Shouldn't I be at least a little sorry for Kageyama?
Now that I think about it, I couldn't help but look at him all the time, even in school, I always find him in recess so that we could eat together. I steal him from Anne Marie and spends more time with him.. I knew I couldn't get him fully so I just appreciated the fact that he still hangs out with me even if he has a girlfriend. Why do I feel as if he completes my day? Agh just saying that makes me gag. When did I..

Like Kageyama.. This much?

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