Ch 9: I Want To Stay

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His house is cute as expected.. 4 pairs of slippers?

Hinata: here, wear this. It's for when guests come to our house.


Kageyama: mhm okay thanks.
Hinata: do you want something to drink?
Kageyama: do you have milk?
Hinata: eh? Didn't I see you drink milk by the vending machine earlier?
Kageyama: hm? So what. I drink more than you think.
Hinata: must be why you're so tall hm.
Kageyama: maybe. You should try some.
Hinata: ehh? Are you calling me small??!
Kageyama: yes.

You're small.. And cute.
But I can't tell him that.

Hinata: wait here. I'll get one milk box.
Kageyama: Ok,hurry up.
Hinata: hey, aren't you the guest here??!

Well there's a bunch of toys for girls. As expected, he has a cute little sister who looks exactly like him. But Hinata's way cuter, If I were to marry Hinata someday, I'd have to get along with Natsu then ri-
What was I just thinking??! Marry Hinata? Are you for real you idiot Kageyama shut up!

Hinata: oi, why do you look so angry.
Kageyama: hmm.. I do?
Hinata: yeah. It's like you're about to punch someone in the face.
Kageyama: well that someone's gonna be you if you don't give me the milk soon.
Hinata: eh? You're the guest! You're supposed to be patient and show a little kindness!!
Kageyama: mhrph.. Whatever.

-Hinata sat beside Kageyama on the little sofa and watched him sip his milk box like a little kid-

Kageyama: what are you looking at, you idiot.
Hinata: oh nothing hihihihi.
Kageyama: you're giggling right now, it's creeping me out.
Hinata: ehh? I'm the creepy one? You should see your face right now!
Kageyama: whatever.. So do you have any volleyball video clips saved in your TV?
Hinata: yeah of course I do. Wait here.

I didn't really mind if he had volleyball clips or any videos at all. I just needed to find an excuse to stay here and protect this little guy.

Hinata: this one, the spiker did something super cool!
Kageyama: hm you should learn from him.
Hinata: oi shut up Bakageyama!

-and so the hours passed by, they didn't notice the time. When the clock strikes 11 PM, Hinata stood up and cleaned the living room-

Hinata: hey, it's really late.. Don't you think going home now is a little too dangerous?

Did he.. Did he offer me to.. Sleep here??? No no don't jump to conclusions Kageyama, just calm yourself down.

Kageyama: and? Are you suggesting that I sleep over here?
Hinata: I-I.. I mean.. If youre okay with it..


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