Chapter 7

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(Yoongi POV)

It wasn't long after we all got to our spots that a man fitting the description came walking up towards the bathroom. Tae was a few feet away from me I turned and nodded to him. "Hey mister." I said getting off the wall I was leaned against putting my hands into my pockets and started walking towards him. He looked scared he turned around and started running towards Jin. He managed to grab him before he got too far putting him into a hold so he couldn't take off again. "Good catch!" I yelled to Jin as I walked to the man with my head cocked to the side. "I just wanted to talk then you went off and ran from me." I said grabbing a fist full of his shirt. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you want from me." His body was trembling. "I just want to know why you're terrorising the ladies that use that restroom?" "Look sir I was just paid to make a scene here." "Who would pay you to terrorize a bathroom?" "I can't tell you that." He said shaking his head. "You better tell us." Tae said stepping from behind me. "I can't." He said trying to wiggle out of Jin's grip. "Jin move!" I yelled seeing a man running up behind him. Jin threw the guy on the ground and turned just in time to punch the guy in the face. Before we knew it we were surrounded. I could hear Namjoon yelling for the other members to hurry and get to our location. I recognized some of the guys they were a part of Lay's group. "Fuck." I mumbled. "What are you going to do now we've got you surrounded and it's only the three of you." A man chuckled. I recognized him as Kai. "Ha you think your scary don't you." I said with a giggle. I turned with my fist out hoping to hit that sorry sucker in the face, but he moved. He then caught me in the jaw knocking me down to the ground. I got back up rubbing my face., and swung back at him this time getting him on the check. I got him on the ground and started punching his face again and again. My anger was burning when I looked up and seen more of Lay's men coming from the shadows. "They really need to hurry up." I said looking back at Jin and Tae who had held their own, but we are still out numbered. We were doing our best when the rest of the members finally showed up except for Hoseok who was still with Y/n at the car. After about 10 minutes of non stop fight we knocked out the last guy, and was finally able to take a rest. We ran to a near by park to take a breather then head back to the car. After all the fighting it was finally quiet I sat next to Namjoon on a bench. "Why do you think Lay's men were here?" Namjoon asked looking at the sky. I looked over at him and shrugged. "I'm not for sure." I said taking a look at the night sky. "We need to start thinking about going back to the car." As soon as I said that we heard a gun shot coming from about where the car was. "We need to go now!" I yelled running towards the car.

(Y/n POV)

Me and Hobi was sitting in the car laughing and cutting up, when my door swings open and a man reaches in and grabs me pulling me out of the car. Hoseok jumped out of the car running up to the man punching him so he would let go of me. The guy pulls out his gun and fires at Hobi then puts a bag over my head. "Don't try to fight me." The guys says picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I hit and kicked hoping he would drop me but he never does. I scared as loud as I could hoping Yoongi would hear me but he never came. Tears flood out of my eyes I was so scared. After a while I get thrown down on the hard ground. "Here she is boss." "Ah, thank you. You didn't harm her did you." I've heard his voice before I just can't place it. He throws me on my stomach and ties my hands behind my back then lifts me up so I'm sitting. "It's ok baby girl I have you now." He said removing the bag from my head. I gasped when I seen who it was. "What do you want from me!" I yelled. "I'm just taking back what was mine." He said grabbing my chin so I would look at him. "Let me go!" I said spitting in his face. "What have they done to you?" He said whipping his face off with his sleeve. "No matter, I have you back and that's all that matters now." He said picking me up and putting me in the car.

(Yoongi POV)

I got to the car and both of the front doors were open after looking around I found Hoseok on the ground with a puddle of blood around his leg. "Bro they took her. I couldn't do anything about it." He said with tears falling out of his eyes. I took my belt off and wrapped it tight around his leg to stop the bleeding. "Who took her? Where did they go?" "They went that way." He said pointing his finger towards the trees to the side of the parking lot. I took off the way he said hoping to catch them before they can leave. I grabbed the gun out of my pocket. Whoever has her is going to die I know Lay has everything to do with this. I ran for a mile looking all around me looking for even a sign that a car or something was there, but I didn't see anything. Nothing no sign of her or anyone. I dropped to my knees as tears ran down my checks. "Y/n!" I yelled looking the sky.

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