Chapter 27

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(Yoongi's POV)

I made sure to wake up before Y/n so she wouldn't ask too many questions. I took a quick shower then got dressed. I figured it would be a better idea to get her ring before the meeting with Jimin. I could have a clear head, and be able to really take the time to get it right. As I stepped out of the room shutting the door I heard a voice. "Hey where are you going?" Taehyung asked as he walked up the hallway. I thought it was strange since he had no reason to come this way. "I'm going to the store to buy Y/n a ring." I replied confused. "Oh can I help? I was going to come and see if I could talk to you anyway." I thought about it for a second I  my head before agreeing to let him go. "Yea you can go. We really haven't had the time to talk." I said as we started walking down the hall. When we got into the car it was kind of awkward. We really didn't talk at first. "Yoongi I want to apologize." He said putting an end to the silence. "I know what I did was wrong, and I should have stopped myself." He said holding his head down. "Taehyung I'm not mad that it happened I mean I am, but that's not the part that really got me. It's the fact neither of you told me." I said taking my eyes off the road long enough to give him a glance. "At first we weren't going to tell you, but after that we talked and decided that we would. I wanted to tell you that's why I promised Y/n I'd tell you. It wasn't her fault it was mine." He said looking up at me. I could tell he was hurting from it. "It's ok I forgive you, but it's going to take me a while to gain my trust back with you." I said glancing back over at him. His once glumy face now had a slight smile to it. "Hyung I'll do anything to make you trust me again, and I promise that won't happen again." He said holding his thumb up.

(Y/n POV)

I sat up when I noticed Yoongi wasn't there. I looked around the room thinking maybe he was in the shower or something, but the door was open. He always closes the door when he's in there. I shrugged my shoulders then laid back down. I grabbed the remote then pulled the covers over my shoulders allowing my hand to poke out with the remote. I flipped through the channels, before finally finding something interesting on TV. I debated on going back to sleep until he got back, but I decided not to. I laid there for a while before I heard the door open. I looked up thinking I'd see Yoongi, but it wasn't I sat up quickly when I seen it was Jimin. "What are you doing?" I asked as he shut and locked the door. "Oh nothing I just wanted to talk." I could see the smirk form on his face as he walked towards me. "About what?" I asked pulling the covers over me more. "Oh nothing in particular." He said sliding his hand on the bed until he got to me. He glided his hand down my face to the blanket. He grabbed it with one hand then yanked them off of me throwing them on the floor. "Jimin what are you doing?" I asked again. "Dont worry about it. Just don't fight what's coming." He said as he grabbed my leg pulling me down so I'd be laying down. He climbed on top of the bed then positioned himself on top. "No one can stop me now that Yoongi is away and your room is so far away from everyone." He said as he lowered his head down making our lips connect. I thrashed around trying to get him to stop, but he didn't. I tried to push him off with my hands, but that just made him grab my wrists and hold them over my head just like he did before. I felt helpless as he moved his mouth around my neck. I felt as if I was going to cry, but I kept stopping myself. I felt like if he seen me cry it would make it worse. I turned my head to face the wall so I didn't have to look at him. I felt his hand go under my shirt making me flinch. "See I knew you'd like it." He said changing the direction of his hand down to my shorts. I held my eyes closed tight as his fingers explored around. He jumped a bit then cover my mouth when we heard a knock on the door. "Babe let me in I forgot my key." I heard Yoongi from the other side of the door. I tired to scream, but Jimin only added pressure to my mouth. "Dont you dare scream." He whispered in my ear then started back at what he was doing. "Yoongi help me!" I yelled as I started to cry. I could hear him banging on the door as loud as he could. "Jimin let her go." I could hear him yelling at the door, but it was useless. Jimin moved his leg putting it on the floor to balance himself better as he slid my shorts and panties over then slide his member in. I started crying more as I felt him thrust. "Yoongi." I cried knowing that nothing was going to get better. Then suddenly the banging stopped. I cried harder thinking that he had given up. Jimin's moans were getting loader as he began to thrust harder. "I'm ahh." Jimin barely got out. I could feel him release inside me. Then the window beside my bed opened up and a hand reached in making Jimin jump up. "Jimin when I get in there I'm going to kill you." Yoongi said as he began to climb in the window. Jimin ran to the door opening it trying to escape, but he didn't get far for Taehyung was standing in front of the door. "Hey hyung." Tae said just before planting his fist on his face causing him to fall. "Get out of my way." Jimin growled. "No I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let you treat her like that." He said looking down at him. "Treat her like what? You fucked her also, so I was just getting me some." Jimin barked as he stood back up facing Tae. "I told you to leave her alone." Yoongi said as he grabbed Jimin by the shoulder making him spin around. Yoongi drew his arm back then letting it fly at Jimin. Jimin ducked down then kicked his foot back knocking Tae down then ran out of the door. Yoongi and Tae went to take off after him, but I grabed Yoongi's shirt which made him pause. "Yoongi please stay." I said as tears fell out of my eyes. He turned to look at me. "I'm sorry." He said as he wrapped me up in his arms.

(Yoongi's POV)

I mentally beat myself in the face. My dumb ass forgot to lock the door before I left. I thought as I held her in my arms. That meeting has to happen and fast. "Y/n, we are going to stay somewhere else for a little while." I said pulling her in closer. "Where?" She managed to get out. "We have a little house down town that we use if we have a mission that has us out for a while." I said giving her a smile. "When?" She asked. "I have some things to do here, so we will go tomorrow." I said pulling her away to look her in her eyes. She opened them for a second to look at me. He eyes were so puffy and red from her crying. "He didn't hurt you did he?" I asked. "No I'm just scared." She replied making her cry more. "I'm going to take care of this today I promise." I said pulling her back into a hug. After a little while I was finally able to calm her down. She laid there on my chest as we watched TV. When we have that meeting I'll be announcing that we will be leaving for a while. I know Jin will be upset about it at first, but I know he will understand. "I'm going to take a shower." She said in a quiet voice. "OK babe, I'm going to go talk to Jin. I'll be back soon, and I'll make sure I lock the door this time." I replied getting off the bed shortly after her. She nodded at me then walked to the bathroom door. "Please don't be too long." She said turning around to look at me. "I won't I promise." I answered giving her a smile. I know she's scared that's why I have to talk to Jin. I left the room double checking the door just to make sure I locked it. I walked down to Jin's room hoping he was there. I knocked on the door luckily it wasn't long before he opened the door. "I need to talk to you now." I said before letting him speak. He opened the door wider then stepped back letting me in. "We have to have that meeting now." I could feel my anger rising again. I held it in for her, but it was taking everything in my power. "What happned?" He asked I could tell he was concerned just by the look on his face. "Jimin, but this time it's worse." I said as I started to pace back in forth in his room putting my hands on my head. "What did he do?" He asked his head moving along with me. "It's my fault I went to get the ring this morning. Taehyung distracted me, and I didn't realize I had forgotten to lock the door. When I got back I knocked on the door. She was yelling for me to help her." I said as I ran my hands down my face trying to calm down. "He raped her." I said stopping to look at Jin. "He did what!?" He asked raising his tone. "I didn't think he would go that far." Jin said letting his mouth drop wide open. "I didn't either. I climbed through her window, but when I finally made it in he had just finished. Taehyung chased him out of the room. I'm not sure where they went or what happened." I said. "Why didn't you chase him?" Jin asked kind of confused. He knew how I was and how my anger gets, so I don't blame him for being confused. "She was scared, so I stayed with her to calm her down. She was crying so much, and I tried so hard to hide my anger from her, so it wouldn't stress her out." I answered. I could tell Jin was getting angry.

(Y/n POV)

Once I heard him leave I ran to the door checking to make sure he had locked it. I sighed in relieve when it was. I then went to the window make sure it was locked, and it was. I went to the bathroom starting to take my clothes off. I looked down at the tiny bump I placed my hand on it. "I promise I'll get stronger for you." I said before getting into the tube turning the shower on. I quickly scrubbed my body as if I had rolled around in the mud. I felt so dirty even though I wasn't. The fear I felt towards Jimin was worse then Lay. I trusted him with so much. He taught me so much I thought to myself as I got out of the shower. I got dressed then checked the door once more before I went to the bed laying down. I turned the TV on trying to get what happened off my mind, but it didn't work. I kept thinking maybe I could have done something different that maybe that wouldn't have happened. Was there something I could have done that would have gotten him to stop? I felt like if I couldn't help myself in that situation how could I protect my own child. I started breathing heavy when I heard a knock on the door. I didn't answer until I heard Yoongi's voice from the other side. I got up and unlocked the door opening it for him. I turned around then walked back to the bed. "Are you ok?" Yoongi asked as he sat down the bed next to me. "I'm fine." I answered. I didn't really feel like talking I just wanted him to be there with me. He laid down then I followed after cuddling up to him. "After lunch we decided to have our meeting that's when I'll let them know we are going to move to that house." He said. "When are we going to go?" I asked running my fingers on his side. "I'm going to have it scoped out before we go, so probably a couple days from now." He said. I nodded my head then closed my eyes. "I'm getting sleepy." I said with my eyes stilled closed. "Then go to sleep." He said as he started petting my head. I love when he does that it always relaxes me I thought just moments before drifting off to sleep.

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