Chapter 12: Nightmarish King

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John's POV:

I woke up from a nightmare at about 5am. Sera and Myu were still asleep. I got dressed and went for a run again. This time my run didn't include any fighting. I had a lot on my mind right now. I had Myu and Sera to take care of. Sera can handle herself but after my fight with that man who was level 15 or higher I started stressing out. There's no way Sera could take on someone that powerful. I was also worried about Myu for when Sera and I go to school. I turned 19 so it wasn't illegal for me to adopt her but I just didn't want her being alone all day. I'll send her to school and hopefully she likes it there. As for me I didn't need a job as I had an enormous amount of money but that doesn't mean I shouldn't contribute to society. My father always believed that you should use your power correctly. I have power so I should use it. I can protect those who cannot protect themselves. 

I got back from my run and I bought candy and chocolate for Sera and Myu. I dunno what stuff Myu likes so I just trusted that Sera has a good sweet tooth and bought all if Sera's favorite stuff. Gummy pigs, chocolate piggy's, pink piggies. Hm I'm starting to notice a pattern actually. And all the pig games over the years! What's her obsession with pigs? I think I should bring this up another time, I'm really curious. I also bought juice for Myu cause she's probably never drunk anything besides water. I got apple juice and pineapple juice. I silently returned to my apartment and closed the door as quietly as possible. Myu and Sera were still in bed. Okay good I didn't wake them up. I put the bag on the counter top and emptied everything into the fridge. It was around 6am so I still had plenty of time. I quietly showered and got dressed and then I sat down on sofa and messaged Remi.

John: Hey remi, we have a few weeks of thanks to Vaughn so I'll probably book us a holiday of you want. Could you let me know who wants to come and who doesn't.

Remi: Sure thing I'll definitely come and I'll ask the others. Where you planning to go?

John: I would go abroad but it takes a at least a month in advance to figure everything out. I'll probably rent a large house somewhere hot. Oh maybe the beach!

Remi: That's a great idea I'll let everyone know and get back to you.

John: Oh one more thing Remi? Why u up so early lol

Remi: Oh I'm just a morning person. I usually go and watch the sunset at around 5am it's really relaxing.

John: I'm more of an evening person. I like the stars and the moon. The cold breeze calms me down.

Remi: Fair enough guess we will have to get a second opinion to see which is better.

John: Yeah I guess we will. Anyway I'll talk to you later Remi!

Remi: Cya later Johnn

I put my phone on charge and waited for Myu or Sera to wake up. I have no doubt it will be Myu. Sera can sleep through anything. I started making pancakes for the two of them. A strong stack of four each. I made myself one as a snack and ate it before they woke up. Myu came into the room rubbing her eyes. She had long blue hair and emerald eyes. She was small and pale. She had barely any fat on her as she didn't get fed much. I sat her down by the table and placed the plate infront of her. I gave her a knife and a fork and she was struggling to use them. I helped her out again and eventually she got the idea. She was pretty smart. She finished her plate before Sera even woke up. Me and Myu watched TV for an hour or so. Sera took her time. I put her food in the microwave and woke her up or else she wouldn't.

"Myu Junp on her" I giggled. Myu climbed onto the bed and bunched onto Sera. Me and Myu began laughing as Sera woke up with a WTF look on her face. "It's just me Sera!" Myu calmed her and gave her a hug. Sera patted her head and rubbed her eyes. She ate her food and got ready. Sera and I walked with Myu side by side and held a hand each. After a while Myu got tired of walking so I put her on my shoulder. "Daddy, daddy look!" Myu shouted pointing at a plushie shop. "Do you want one Myu". She kicked her legs lightly and leaned over to face me. "Yes pleaseeee" I laughed and took her into the shop. I put her on the ground so she could look from place to place. In the end she chose a massive cat. The cat was cute but it was the largest size they sold so it was about the same size as Myu. I payed for it and Sera's smile grew as she saw Myu and I walk out the shop with a giant cat. "Oh wow Myu it's very cute, what are you gonna call it?" Sera asked Myu ignoring the look on my face. "I'm going to call her fluffy" Myu said. It was a typical name a small child would give their imaginary pet.

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