Chapter 16: Devils awakening

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Seraphina's POV:

I woke up early on a nice sunny day. It was a few days before the tournament and John had been training extremely hard so I decided to take care of Myu to make things easier for him. My and I got up and went shopping this time of the week.

"Hey Myu what should we get today?" I bent down and picked her up. "I want chicken nuggies pleaseeeee" she said making her puppy dog eyes. I obviously said yes to her. It was adorable.

John was so incredibly strong. He could defeat the entire school going against him. Easily too. He had increased his physical training and now he had a really nice body. Not that it mattered it's just he had so much ambition.

John is getting stronger every single day. I want to help him but he can already do everything. The most I could do was support him and so I will do exactly that.

Myu had grow a little bit and her ability was developing fast. It seemed like some sort of water ability but its actually not. It seems like she makes these blue orbs and anything inside of the blue orbs begins to go back in time. Like a cut or even death can be reverted. If shes not careful she can revert them back to before they existed. Her ability is dangerous and so I need to look after her.

Funnily enough her ability is kinda a mix between mine and John's. It's almost like shes our biological kid. She has Time from me and Manipulation from John. I can stop time but she can revert it. It's quite an interesting ability. She also could decide to not die of old age. She can infinitely live at 19 if she wanted. It's so OP. I made a frowny face without even realizing. Myu was holding my hand as we walked through the shops.

We picked up a bunch of fresh ingredients as John was teaching us how to cook. Myu wanted to make a cake so I'm going to help her. John is going to get back from his training in about 2 hours so it's plenty of time. We made our way back home with the shopping bags.

Lucifer's POV:

"Just go away already!" I screamed at him. "Get out of.. MY FUCKING HEAD" I punched the nearest wall making a large crack in it. I slumped down into the alleyway and layed against the cold, hard wall. 'Sniff...' I gulped down the pills as I softly cried. I lit the cigarette and sat in a ball. I drowned out the screams for a while. I didn't want to be sober. When I'm sober I can hear them.

"Kil-l m-me.." I pleaded.

Nobody came...

John's POV:

Suddenly, I heard a whimper in my ear. It sounded like a lost soul however when I turned to face the sound I saw nothing. The voice was damaged and upset: "Kil-l m-me.." was all I could make out. "What the hell just happend?" I said outloud. Nobody was around though. I shrugged it off for now and made my way back home.

I got back from training a little early so I grabbed drinks at Woba Boba and took them home with me. Sera and Myu should be waiting for me at home so I'll suprise them with the drinks. I unlocked the door and pushed it open gently. I gave everyone a the small room a glance and didn't see anyone. I sat down on the sofa and took off my coat.

They arrived home after a few minutes. They had a surprised look on their faces. Most likely because I was home before them. I smiled at the look I was receiving. They smiled along.

Seraphina's POV:

John was home early from his run. Maybe something happend? I'll ask when Myu is gone. "Hey Myu why don't you go get changed into your pajamas?" I pointed her to the bedroom. "Okay mama" she smiled and waddled away.

"Hey John! Good day?" I tilted my head and sat down next to him. He layed back and smiled. "Yeah thanks. And you two?" He replied. My day was ordinary so far. "Yeah it's been pretty normal so far, what about you?" I layed my head on him.

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