Chapter 18: Ahhh it's rewind time

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John and Sera had slowly began working on their superhero team. Remi, Blyke and Isen were all apart of it. Arlo wasn't sure about it and Elaine just did as Arlo said. Oh well, the four of them were still incredibly powerful.

"Hey John! This guy has some kind of drug."

"Don't use my real name remember! I'll take a look in a second Rem".

Sera found it comedic that John had just told Remi not to use his real name and then called her by a shortend version of her name. It's barely even a nickname too, he just shortend it by one word.

"Yoooo come check this out, this bottle is some kind of ability amplifier". Isen was making key observations here. It's not like we could tell from fighting them. The fight wasn't too hard thanks to our training and with the help of John we were unstoppable.

The superhero team was doing well, incredibly well actually. They were very well known as vigilantes but nobody knew their real identities. That's kinda surprising considering John competed in a world class tournament. Either way nobody knew!

Seraphina's Pov:

"So I think we have all the information we need" my voice went higher pitched because I was talking to John. I am so incredibly in love with him. It's embarrassing but it's true. I could never live without him and I always tell him that.

"I love you John -Mwah-" I planted a kiss on his lips. He smiled and told me he loved me too. My heart always raced when he told me he loved me. I always wonder how John feels about me. I know he loves me but he has so much responsibility and almost no spare time. We don't talk as much anymore and I wish we could go back to how we were in the beginning.

John's Pov:

Sera is constantly trying to get my attention lately. I feel bad for her because I spend so much time looking after everything else I barely get to look after her. I love her to death but I have too much responsibility. Once this is all over I can live a normal life I guess.

Anyways now is not the time to think about this sort of thing. I'll make it up to Sera later but let's just get out of here safely. I did a quick head count just to make sure we had everyone.


Okay were all good. Time to head back home. I shouted to everyone telling them were heading back now. We decided to go our own ways because we all live kinda far from eachother. They hang out back at campus and me and Sera have a place on the opposite side of town. We said our goodbyes and made our ways home.

Sera clung to me like glue. It was nice to know she liked me. She was incredibly comfortable with me. It reminded me of when we first met. She hated my guts. I somehow managed to get her to like me still. I don't know how I just did.

Sera was lonely, she shut everyone out and pretended like she didn't need friends but she did. She's such a warm person once you get to know her. She didn't like being perfect she just had that expectation and always met it.

She was trapped and needed someone to save her. I don't know how I got to her. If it were to happen again I would have no clue what to do because it just kinda happend and I was so caught up in school with my Joker plan so I didn't notice.

Sera's Pov:

I remember what life was like before I met John. It was kinda cold and meaningless. I didn't have anyone to talk to because everyone either hated me or was scared of me. Life was lonely. I wasn't living for my own reasons I was living because my parents wanted a perfect daughter. Life was hard back then but now I know that opening up is easy.

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