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Anne was of course mesmerized by the beauty of the snow. She wasn't sure if she loved winter or if she despised it. She couldn't stop thinking about school. She missed Cole already. She had Diana and Ruby of course but still.. The story club was destroyed. She just hoped that it would be a good day.

She arrived to the meeting spot quite early to her surprise. Diana and Ruby came together not too long after.

-Oh how I've missed you! she exclaimed while giving them a hug.

-Anne, it's only been a week since we last saw each other!

-I know Ruby but I can't wait to see you everyday...

The trio continued talking until they reached the schoolhouse.

They entered and the classroom looked....boring. Everyone was studying for the winter exams, the boys weren't even there, and Miss Stacy was nowhere to be seen.

-Oh I enjoy this peace, don't you Anne?
-I suppose...

-They all sat down and not longer after the boys came rushing in.

-YOU CHEATED! Billy screamed.

-No I didn't Billy! Gilbert responded.

-Yeah calm down he won.. stop being so huffy! Charlie approved.

-Yeah sure... "Gilbert the God of every game on Earth" won again.

-Shut it! Moody yelled.

- You know Billy, you could be happy for him for once in your life! You are absolutely heartless!

-I am what? You'll regret it! Billy wanted to punch him but Gilbert stopped him.

-Don't you find it entertaining? Josie asked Anne.

-Excuse me? Entertaining? A bunch of boys fighting like wild animals over a stupid game! I'm over it. Anne said and she walked in their direction.

-Stop it now!

-Oh look the little orphan is here! And what if I don't want to, huh? What are you going to do about that doggie? Billy said as he was getting dangerously close to her.

That's when Gilbert punched him right in the face. Anne stood there in complete shook. She looked at Gilbert and he looked as he could kill Billy right there and then.

-Gilbert what the hell?! Billy screamed.

-I told you not to hassle her again! Or did you already forget that?

That's when Billy punched Gilbert in the nose. And Gilbert punched him back.

Miss Stacy just entered the schoolhouse.

-Stop it! she yelled as the other boys tried to part them.

-I'm very disappointed in you 2! You can't just fight like that in the middle of my classroom! There are girls here, you could've get them hurt! If you want to fight like animals you can do it outside or don't do it at all! Can you please control your so called masculinity at least when you are at school?! Anne dear, what are you doing here, are you alright?


-Oh please sit down. You two come with me! Miss Stacy went into the back room with Gilbert and Billy to have one of her serious talks.

Anne was frozen. Gilbert just defended her. And he got hurt. Oh my god he got hurt! He would be fine. Did he just say that he told Billy not to hassle her? What was happening?

She just stared at the ground.

-Anne? Dianna called. Are you okay? Come here.

-Yeah I'm fine.

-What was that about? Miss Stacy asked as she cleaned their bloody faces.

-He is crazy miss! He is just mad!! Billy said.

-Billy stop talking like that about your classmate. What happened?

-We were racing to the school house and I won, and then Billy got all angry. We had a little fight but I didn't punch him until he mocked Anne! It's not normal miss! He is disrespectful! He wanted to hurt her, I swear I didn't punch him without having a reason.

-He is lying! He just attacked me!

-Okay stop you 2! I'll get Anne here so she could tell us what really happened. You 2 behave!

-Anne dear? miss Stacy called. Come here, will you?
-Anne didn't want to face the embarrassment but she stood up and went anyway.

Gilbert and Billy were standing as far as possible, and they both had white cloth on their noses.

-Anne can you tell us what happened?

-I just entered the school and sat down with the girls, and then the boys entered and they fought about some stupid game. I thought they were being ridiculous so I went to them and told them to stop. Billy made fun of me and he started to get closer to me and then Gilbert punched him, and Billy punched him and then you came in.

-I see... Why are you staring at the ground?
-I'm not-- as soon as she lifted her head, her eyes caught Gilbert's. They just stared at each other like it was completely normal.

-Oh this is ridiculous! Billy said. You have no proof! She is obviously defending him!

-Anne, Gilbert, please go to your seats. Billy, come with me.

Anne and Gilbert sat down and they just stayed silent. Miss Stacy came with Billy and made him stay in the front of his classmates.

-Class, I want you to raise your hand if you agree that Billy called Anne names and he was utterly disrespectful and cruel.

Everyone raised their hands, even Josie.

-Okay then. Billy I want you to go home and return tomorrow with your mom so we can have a talk. Goodbye.

Billy left the schoolhouse and miss Stacy began teaching, ignoring the previous events. She offered Gilbert a clean cloth in the lunch break and she made sure that he knows that it wasn't appropriate to punch him, despise him behavior.

Anne and Gilbert exchanged looks through the day but they didn't spoke. It was strange. Anne was confused and Gilbert didn't knew what was going on in her mind. He was still bleeding but he seemed fine. They left the school as usual and went straight home, without telling anyone about the atrocious morning events.

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