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It was already Friday.

Anne went to school Tuesday morning, as did Gilbert. They didn't spoke till then. Not because they hated each other, but because it felt weird to talk about what happened. So instead, they focused on their school work all week. It was boring of course, miss Stacy didn't take them out at all, she was still mad at Billy. So she proposed a weekend trip. Everyone was so excited.

Anne and Diana were going back home:

-So, Anne, how do you feel about the trip?

-Oh I can't wait! I wonder where are we going...

-I can't wait either! It's the first time we go on a trip for 3 days! I am so excited! Besides, Charlie asked me to sit next to him on the train! Isn't it amazing, Anne?
-Yes it is... she answered, zooning out a little bit.

-What's wrong?


-Oh you can sit with us! I wouldn't abandon you for Charlie, Anne! You can sit in front of us with a certain someone... she suggested.

-I don't know what you're talking about..

-Ahem, Gilbert of course!


-Oh Anne stop acting so clueless! You like him! And everyone can tell that he is gone after you! You can't just pretend he is not.

-Diana I have no idea what makes you think I like Gilbert Blythe! We are just friends!

-Oh I see... well that's an improvement, considering that you haven't spoke to him in the past 2 years.

-And I had a reason! You know what he did.

-Yes I suppose it was quite rude.

They continued their talking until they both got home. Little did they knew that Gilbert heard their conversation. Was Anne still mad after the carrots incident? Obviously yes. But she didn't seem like she was when she hugged him a few days ago. He had to apologize to her. And besides, she said that they were friends, that he knew. But even if he didn't want to admit that he liked her, he had to do something to grow closer to her. After their closeness on Monday, he couldn't stop thinking about her. He was really gone, as Diana said. Was he that oblivious? He didn't want to scare her off, of course, but he needed closeness. He needed her, more than ever, now that he admitted his feelings to himself.

Anne has just parted ways with Diana and was headed to Green Gables. Was Diana telling her the truth? Did Gilbert like her? She couldn't know. But she also couldn't hide the fact that every time she sees him her day becomes brighter. It sounds like a cliché but it's true. "He is so tall, and strong, and smart, and polite. But do I like him? Why is Diana always suggesting that I do? I don't know if I like him."

She had a mental conflict all day. She wasn't sure if she liked him or she just admired him. And anyways, if she liked him there was nothing she could do. She was so ugly and freckled and skinny and ugh-God! She had no chance with him. Even if she liked him, there was no way that she, the ugly orphan, would ever be with the perfection itself, Gilbert Blythe. And considering that she just accepted that she couldn't let herself like him like that. Even though her heart told her otherwise.

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