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-Where are we going?

-Oh shut up you'll see.

Anne guided him to a part of the beach that seemed untouched. There were orange lamps hanging from the rocks and the sand was so smooth in that hidden place: it looked unreal.

-What is this place?

-Well I was walking by myself earlier and I thought this was a marvelous place. And you know Gilbert, I am better than you in school, as I am better than you at racing...

-No you're not!

-Oh yeah? Than how do you explain this? she asked, remembering that morning one week ago.

Anne started running into the water, looking at Gilbert who was still standing there staring at her.

-Are you going to catch me or what?

He started running after her trying to reach her. They already got wet after running through the water and the cold sand. At some point he caught her by her waist and turned her to face him. While turning she slipped and fell on her back, dragging Gilbert on top of her. They stayed silent for a bit, until Gilbert supported his body, placing his hands next to the sides of her head. They looked at each other and started laughing hysterically. Gilbert fell more and more in love with her every second. As did Anne. She stared at his dark curls hanging close to her face and realized that she could not hide her feelings anymore. At least not from herself.

Gilbert fell on his back next to her and stopped laughing.

-You see that star?

-Yes, what about it?

-It's the north star, it is said that it's the brightest star we discovered.

-I didn't know that..

-Well I always looked at it on the ship. I wanted to think about home when I looked at it.

-Then I want to do that too. Whenever I miss home.

-We should go back..

-Yes we should, come on.

They came back to the fire and everyone was standing there in a circle waiting for them.

-Oh good they're here. We are playing truth or dare! diana announced.

-Okay Billy, truth or dare? Moody asked.

-Dare. he answered smirking.

-I dare you to eat one of the crabs we caught.

-EW NO WAY! I'm not doing it.

-Fine then you chicken, Josie you're next.

-Anne, truth or dare?

Anne looked at her thinking about all the things she could make her do.


-Alright, I dare you to go into the water until you're completely wet.

-That's rude Josie! Diana said.

-I don't care Diana, she has to do it. Unless you want to be our next chicken Anne.

-Okay fine, I'm doing it!

She got up and went into the water. Everyone watched her, including Gilbert who was staring at her hair lingering into the fire light. She reached the point where the water got to her jawline. Suddenly her foot slipped and she disappeared. Gilbert's heart skipped a beat as he rushed into the water. Everyone was watching in fear for her life.

He got there but he couldn't see her, so he just got under. He saw her body not moving, floating into the water. He quickly got her to the surface and carried her to the shore. She wasn't breathing. Diana and Ruby already started crying. Gilbert's head was spinning:
"I can't lose her, I just can't"

A tear started slipping from his eye. He couldn't do anything. It was too late for CPR. She was dead.

He got back and put his head into his arms. Everyone was being silent, the only thing you could hear were the sobs that came from her friends. Suddenly Anne started coughing and got up. She spilled all the water she just inhaled.

-Oh my God! Diana cried.

Gilbert just got to her and cupped her face.

-Hey, you're okay, oh God..

He pulled her to his chest and started crying in her hair as she was still coughing in his shoulder. He was so close to losing her forever. He couldn't bare her death, he just knew that. She was the most valuable person in his life.

No one dared to interrupt them. Diana hugged her after Gilbert let her go, wiping his tears.

-Anne, I thought I lost you! she cried.

-I'm fine..

-Are you crazy? Gilbert yelled.

-It's not my fault she is so clumsy! Josie answered.

-If she wasn't going to wake up, no one would've forgave you! She could've been dead because of your sick satisfaction to see her hurt or embarrassed. Never do that again do you hear me?

Josie just stared at him.


He got to Anne and picked her up on his arms.

-Hey, are you okay?
-Yes, I can walk Gilbert, put me down!

-No you can't, you almost died. Let's get you to the hotel, okay?


-Hey Charlie! Tell miss Stacy what happened, and that she is okay.

Everyone else stayed on the beach waiting for miss Stacy to return, as Gilbert carried Anne to the hotel.

-You know it looks strange, do you?

-What? Anne I don't care.

-We are in a city Gilbert.

-So? You can't walk. Not right now.

-Why are you so nervous?

-I almost lost you! he shouted.

Everyone was staring at them.

-I- okay.

They haven't spoke until they got into Anne's room.

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