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Anne woke up Saturday morning excited for the trip. She just stared at the window and one thing was clear: she couldn't let her heart win.

Gilbert woke up Saturday morning being happier than ever. And one thing was clear: he just let his heart win.

Everyone got to the train station that particularly cold morning. The sun just came out and they were all waiting for miss Stacy to come back with their train tickets. Considering that it would take a while and Gilbert didn't ask Anne yet he approached her.


-Oh, um, hello.

-So I was thinking... it's fine if you don't want to, it's just a suggestion..

-Oh spill it out!

-Do you wanna sit with me? he asked quickly closing his eyes.

Anne thought about it for a while. She could say no but she had no reason to do so. She could say that she was sitting with Diana, but he would've noticed that she didn't. Having no other choice, she let her heart win and said yes.

-Um yeah sure.


Miss Stacy came back and handed everyone their tickets.

-Alright class. We are going to Summerside. So be ready for a 3 hour long journey. You can take whichever seats you want to, and we will all meet under the clock of the train station.

Anne never went there. But she heard that it was a very beautiful city so she was even more excited. They all hopped on the train and found their seats. Diana took a place next to the window, Charlie joining her, and Anne sat right across from Diana, with Gilbert next to her.

Diana gave her an excited look, pointing at Gilbert. Anne didn't say anything, but she knew she would have to explain this to her. She decided to leave her worries aside and enjoy the view.

-Isn't it just marvelous? How the snow covers everything like a fluffy white blanket? And the sky is so blue and clear! Don't you agree?

-Yes Anne the "view" it's quite amazing! she suggested, looking at the confused boy next to her.

Gilbert was so excited that he got to sit next to her. Not that he would be that obsessed with her. He wasn't. He just wanted closeness.

It's been an hour. They all talked about their college plans for a while, until Diana fell asleep and Charlie too, not long after her. That left Anne and Gilbert in an awkward silence. A silence that was broken by Anne's shivering. She only got her dress on, not expecting the weather to be this cold.

-Here, you're cold. he said offering his jacket.

-No, I- it's fine, you're going to freeze.

-Stop being so stubborn... he chuckled. Take it, please.

-She gave in and let him wrap the oversized jacket around her.


-Yes, thank you.

He started starring at her. She was looking out the window, her curious blue eyes studying the landscape, her freckles shining into the light and her hair looking so fiery and free. She gave up on the braids and wore her hair down everyday. And he was not complaining.

At some point her eyes started closing. He knew that because he stared at her face for the past 10 minutes. He didn't want to tell her that she was falling asleep. As soon as she did, her head found its way to his shoulder. He just leaned his head on hers and tried to fall asleep too. They looked as if they came out of a fairytale. Somehow, after Gilbert fell asleep, their hands found one another and their fingers intertwined.

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