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It was a cold night. And Anne felt it because she wasn't able to sleep at all. It was already 11 pm. At first she tried to read something so she could think about the book and fall asleep, but that didn't work. Then she went to her window and watched the moon: that always calmed her. But not tonight. Tonight, the only thing she had on her mind was Gilbert. She can't even tell why.

"I can't fall asleep and tomorrow in class I'm going to be a mess, that if I even wake up in the morning. God why can't I just sleep? Because he is on my mind, that's why! He shouldn't be. But he defended me in front of everyone. He got punched for me, and for what? Could he be more confusing? If I can't sleep I would have to face a day full of disappointment. I can't do that. Maybe if I could find out why he saved me I could finally sleep! But how do I do that?"

She then remembered that he lived 10 minutes from Green Gables But it was dark outside. And she would have to go completely alone. Also it was freezing. She decided that it was worth it. She couldn't bare the thought of disappointing Marilla or miss Stacy by not going. She couldn't tell Marilla that she didn't sleep at all and she couldn't tell her that she is sick. She had to go to school in the morning and the only solution to that was the one and only Gilbert Blythe.

She didn't bother to dress up, it would have took too long. So she just brushed her hair a little bit and wrapped a blanket around her. She couldn't go downstairs to fetch her coat and exit the house, obviously, but good thing that she climbed down the window before so she knew how to be silent.

And like that, she was down there, in the snow, wearing her night clothes and a blanket, headed to Gilbert's. It might be crazy but she wanted to be perfectly rested at school and so she began walking. It was really cold. Extremely cold. She didn't consider that she had to walk through the woods. But it was her usual path to school.

She was almost out of the woods when she heard a branch crack and footsteps running not far from her. Her stomach made a knot and she started running in fear. That could be a murderer! Or even a wild enormous animal! She could die right there in the woods of Avonlea.

She ran and ran without looking back. She had a feeling that someone was running after her. She quickly got on Gilbert's porch and started knocking at the door frantically.

The door opened and Gilbert stood there, half asleep, his hair a mess, his night shirt unbuttoned on the upper part.

-Anne? he asked confused. was he dreaming?

-Yeah hi can I come in?

-Oh sure. Wait. ANNE? he realized that she was real and she was there looking terrified. Are you alright? What happened? Is there something wrong at Green Gables?

-No um- I'm so sorry I shouldn't have come I'll lea-

She started walking backwards to the door but he caught her wrist.

-NO! I mean no, it's fine, I don't mind. What happened?

-I couldn't sleep and I needed answers from you so I decided to come here so I could be able to sleep but then as I was walking I heard footsteps near me and so I panicked and then I-

Gilbert tried to listen but he just couldn't stop staring at her. She stood there with her bare foots, in her night gown with a little blanket wrapped around her and she looked so little and precious.. he just couldn't help it.

-...and then I got here but it's okay if you want me to leave. Where are Bash and Mary anyways?

Gilbert looked mesmerized.

-HELLO? Gilbert have you even listened?

-Yeah, uhm yes I did I'm sorry.. Bah and Mary are on their honeymoon, I'm all alone until February I suppose.


-Oh my god you must be freezing come here.

He took her in the living room next to the fireplace. He then just started a fire and brought her more blankets and some tea.

-Are you okay?
-Yes I'm fine.

-So what was the whole thing about the answers from me? he said as he sat next to her on the sofa.

-Well as I said I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about what you did today.

At this point Gilbert had no idea what to expect.

-What do you mean?
-You defended me and you got punched for that. I really don't understand why would you do that and I feel responsible for what happened and I just- I just couldn't sleep.

-You don't have to worry about that, really. I'm fine, but I don't want you to think that I just punch everyone who annoys me. Billy deserved it, I just couldn't take is anymore. I'm sorry if I scared you or anything.

-You didn't, I was just.. shocked.

-Oh then I'm sorry for that.

-Why though?

That's it. Gilbert had to think about it. Where did he stood with her? They were friends, that was sure but he wanted to be more in his heart. But he didn't fully admitted it to himself so he couldn't just tell her that he liked her. That would scare her off. He wasn't ready, but he had to say something.

-That's what friends do, right? I had to defend you because I really care about you, Anne.

Anne was shocked once again. She knew that they weren't exactly rivals anymore but she never thought about them being friends. He said that he cared for her. He just got punched in the face for her. She had this immense urge to hug him and she couldn't help it.

-Oh my god Gilbert thank you so much I'm so grateful! she said as she suddenly hugged him, making him fall on his back.

Gilbert was in a trance. She hugged him. She was hugging him. She wasn't letting go.

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