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Anne opened her eyes. It was strange though: there wasn't the usual light she saw every morning, or the smell she was used to. Her window wasn't there and her bed seemed really hard and bumpy.

She moved a little bit, thinking that she was still dreaming but as soon as he moved she heard someone's breathing. That was ridiculous, why would someone be in her bed? She lifted her head and saw Gilbert.

She freaked out and fell of the couch. She realized where she was: she fell asleep on the couch, or more specifically on Gilbert.

-Anne? he called.

-Uhm I'm so sorry, I must've fell asleep..she mumbled.

-No, it's fine, I fell asleep too. I-

-Oh my god it must be already morning! Marilla is going to kill me!

-Hey calm down it's not. It's still dark outside, but the sun will come out soon. he said as he helped her up. I could take you home just let me get dressed.

He climbed the stairs and she waited on the sofa. It was warm. "I slept on him. What is wrong with me? It's so inappropriate... but I didn't mean to, I just did. God, I can't deal with this right now."

-You're ready?

-Yeah... she said as she got up and out the door.

They just walked in silence for a bit.

-It's not weird unless you make it weird.


-You heard me. I know what you must think and I completely agree. It wasn't appropriate. But you were really tired and no one saw us, so it's fine. I didn't mind, really.

-You didn't mind? Gilbert I practically smashed you all night.

-No you didn't...he chuckled.

-Yes I did stop being so polite! I know I did and I'm sorry OKAY?

-Hey.. he said as he stopped her walking by catching her wrist again. You didn't bother me, I mean it. I'm not just being polite.

-Ugh fine.

-And you know you're really small, don't you? It's physically impossible for you to smash me.

-Oh shut up Blythe! I am not!

-Oh yeah? he asked with a smirk. Alright then, if you're not, then how could you explain this?

-What? she asked confused.

He then just picked her up and started running through the woods.

-Gilbert oh my God what are you doing!? she laughed. Put me down!

He didn't answer.

-Gilbert put me down! she laughed again as she clinged to his neck.

He didn't until they reached the clearing. The sun was just rising.

He put her down and chuckled as he was catching his breath. She was laughing.

They suddenly stopped laughing and stared into each others eyes. They stayed like that for a while, until Anne heard another branch crack.

-I- I should go.

-Yeah sure..

They got to Green Gables. Luckily, no one woke up yet so Anne was safe. She climbed to her window and waved at Gilbert.

-Thanks for everything..

-Always a pleasure Shirley. he winked and slowly walked away. She watched him disappear into the dark woods and threw herself on the bed, waiting for Marilla's usual morning call.

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