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-Thank you.

-Yeah, um are you cold? I can get you some tea or I could make the fire or-or-

He was stopped by her hands on his arms.

-Stop. I'm good, really.

-You are not good, stop lying, you were dead for some minutes, how could you be?

-Yes, but I just feel like I woke up. The water was not that cold.

He sat on the bed next to her:

-Why are you trying to seem so strong?

-I'm not!

-Anne... he said with a serious look, turning her head to face him. You are not fine, please let me help you.

-Ugh fine, but I could do it by myself, just so you know.

-I know you could... he chuckled.

He lighted the fire in the fireplace and got her more blankets. Even though he was so focused on making her feel alright, he couldn't help but admire her. She literally stopped breathing for a bit, but there she was: looking so strong and brave. She wasn't going to let him see her pain. So he once again sat next to her.

-I know what you're doing.

Anne felt vulnerable for a second. What was that supposed to mean?


-I know that you're trying to hide your pain from me. Why are you doing that?

-I'm not doing such a thing Blythe, stop being ridiculous.

-Stop hiding from me then!

-Why? Why should I?

-So you admit that you are!

-Ugh you are so infuriating! she got up and went to sit in the front of the fireplace.

He followed her:

-I'm sorry. I just want to know why do you feel like hiding your emotions from me.

-I can't look that vulnerable, okay? I can't let that happen. I don't like to show my emotions in front of people I don't completely trust.

-You know you can trust me.

She looked away, but he caught her chin and made her look at him again.

-I mean it.

-Fine. I was hurt. I almost died. It would've been a pathetic way to die. I want to be remembered for who I was. If I would have died there, no one would've remembered me after 10 years. I would've been the ugly orphan that drowned like a fool.

-Don't ever say that again. I will remember you for the rest of my days, don't you know that? And stop saying you're ugly. You're- the most beautiful thing I laid my eyes on.

-What? Stop messing with me.

-I mean it, I swear.

-Why are you so involved lately? What's all this?

She was confused. She knew she liked him but in her head, he couldn't like her. Never. So he must have a reason.

-What do you mean?

-I mean, why are you doing all this? Why have you defended me? Why haven't you told anyone about me sleeping on you? You knew that could ruin me. Why did you want to sit next to me in the train? Why did you trusted me on the beach? Why are you staring at me everyday? WHAT'S YOUR GAME BLYTHE?

-I'm done pretending Shirley.


He cupped her right cheek, brushed his thumb on it and their lips collided. It felt like electricity. There was this spark they both felt: a feeling they couldn't describe. Anne felt a shiver down her spine as they were parting. He was still cupping her face but he was close enough that they're noses were touching. They stared so intensively into each other's eyes.

-That's why Anne. he smiled.

She was speechless. What does that even mean?

He let her go and turned his face to the fire looking so calm, but his mind was screaming. He finally told her. He just kissed her. He didn't mean to, he just had this immense urge to do it. He couldn't lie to her anymore. He was done pretending. He loved her and she needed to know, whatever her answer will be.

-I-.... she murmured.

-I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it. I love you Anne.

She just stood there frozen, looking at the fire. He thought she rejected him, but in fact she was too shocked to even say something. So he got up and walked towards the door.

-I'm next door if you need anything. Goodnight.

And he left.

//It 👀happened👀.//

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