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At lunch, miss Stacy told everyone what plans they had for the day. They would spend they're afternoon at the beach, and in the evening they would make a bonfire. Everyone was so excited for the day...

They got into their rooms and packed some things for the day at the beach. Not long after, they left.

They all played and talked for a while, but at some point they separated.

The ocean was beautiful. Anne couldn't help but wonder what was hiding in the blue deep. Meanwhile Gilbert was still nervous about the whole situation. He liked her, that was clear but before he could do anything about that, he had to be sure that he was at a good point with her. So he went to Diana and Ruby.

-Hello, may I sit?


-Look, since you are Anne's best friends I was wondering what she thinks about me..

-Oh Gilbert.. Anne thinks very high of you! She just doesn't want to admit it. Everyone knows you have a crush on her. ruby said.

-W-what? No I don't!

-Same old excuse! We know you do! Diana added

-You do?

-Yes silly it's obvious. I could tell by how you look at her... you can't loose her Blythe, do you hear me?

-Didn't YOU like me, Ruby?

-Oh I did, but that was a stupid childhood crush. What you have it's not just that.

-You know, she likes you too Gilbert. She's just so afraid that you don't. She doesn't want to admit that she actually has a crush on someone. You know her... she wants to push you away, but don't let her.

-Thank you... please don't tell anyone, I don't want it to be a gossip.

-Of course..

Gilbert walked towards Anne who sat near the shore alone. He sat next to her.



-The ocean is really beautiful.

-I've been staring at it for a while now. I can't help but wonder what hides down there... don't you thinks it's marvelous?

-Yeah she is.. he stated as he was staring at her.


-It is marvelous indeed. Look Anne, I wanted to apologize.

-For what?

-For making fun of your hair in the first day I met you.

-You know, that was the reason I haven't spoke to you in so long. You really hurt me.

-I am so sorry Anne, you have no idea how sorry. I didn't mean to make fun of it, I just wanted to meet you. You were ignoring me and I had to make you talk to me somehow. Why weren't you, anyway?

-I was so desperate for the girls acceptance and they told me not to talk to you. Ruby liked you and I couldn't.. I hope you understand.

-Oh it's fine.. so could you maybe forgive me?

-Yes Gilbert I forgive you.

-Thank you...

-About toda-

-Everyone, the bonfire is starting! miss Stacy shouted.

-We should go..

-Yes definitely..

There was a big pile of wood and sticks and a spiral of gasoline around it.

-Alright everyone I'm going to light the gasoline and the fire will go in a spiral and ight the wood.

They all sat on the cold sand waiting for the fire to warm them up. As soon as it lighted everyone felt its warmth.

-Class listen to me please. Considering that the only thing you have to do for the rest of the day is sit here and enjoy the evening, I have to go into the town to meet with my old friends. I would return at 11 p.m. and I expect you to behave. After I return we would go back to our dorms and rest for tomorrow. Have fun everyone!

Just like that they sat there all alone, enjoying their time. Diana, Ruby, Tillie, Josie and Jane started talking about their dresses and of course about their crushes at the moment. Billy, Moody and Charlie went on a crab hunt, whatever that means. Anne didn't felt like talking about dresses or boys. She wanted to enjoy the water, the sand, and everything that surrounded her. Gilbert didn't want to kill some poor crabs. That was childish in his opinion so he just went to Anne once again.

-I don't feel like haunting crabs.

-And I don't feel like gossiping.

-Good, then I'm not alone.

-You wanna do something crazy?


She got up and took his hand, guiding him to another part of the beach.

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