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The train was finally coming to a stop. Everyone woke up and started getting ready to leave the train. As Diana woke up the first thing she saw were Anne and Gilbert. She started smiling uncontrollably and tapped Charlie's arm.

-Look at them!

-You know he likes her, right?
-Oh she likes him too, she just doesn't want to admit it.

-They are so alike.. he laughed.

-Anne! she shouted.

Anne slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head to face Diana.

-What? she asked grumpy.

-We're almost there, I had to wake you up.

-Oh, right. Gilbert?

Gilbert woke up suddenly.


-We're almost there..

Neither Anne nor Gilbert noticed that they were holding hands until Diana looked at Anne and then at their hands to make her notice. As soon as she looked at her hand Gilbert turned his head and looked down too. They stared at their intertwined fingers in confusion for a few seconds, then they suddenly took their hands out of each others clutch and looked away.

The train stopped and everyone got out, looking for the meeting point. They all got to miss Stacy and started walking to their hotel. The city was breathtaking. The ocean was right next to the road, down the rocks. When they all got to the hotel they were told to pick someone to share a room with. Anne and Diana of course, Gilbert and Charlie, Moody and Billy, Ruby and Tillie, Josie and Jane. They got to their rooms and started settling in.

-So Anne...

-Yes Diana?

-What was all that about before?


-You know what, the Gilbert thing.

-I-I just fell asleep Diana, it didn't mean anything! I do not like him!

-I never said that Anne... she smirked.

-You two have a connection no one else has. It would be a shame if you would continue to hide it. You both act so clueless, even though everyone else knows.

-Ugh Diana! I do not! Now can we please focus on this trip? Thank you.

-Of course...

And just like that everyone started talking and enjoying their first day in Summerside,

𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰Where stories live. Discover now