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Diana wasn't back. Neither was Charlie. They decided to go sleep at one of Diana's old family friends so she could introduce Charlie to even more of her acquaintances.

Anne stood in her bed looking at the ceiling with her mind literally racing. She was blown away. She had just admitted to herself that she liked him but never expected the feeling to be mutual. Now she was standing there knowing that he just said that he loved her and she just had her first kiss. "I never expected my first kiss to be something so romantic. I always thought that I would end up having it in one of Josie's stupid games. Besides, he just said that he loves me. He did everything because he loves me. How could he figure out that it was love? I couldn't do that and I'm smarter."

So she spend one more hour standing there thinking about the situation, even thought time was irrelevant for both of them.

"I love him, I have to tell him"

Gilbert just got into his room after he took a long walk to clear his mind. He laid on his bed with his arms crossed under his head, staring at the plain ceiling. He needed to realize that it was real. And fast. "I scared her off, didn't I? I should've waited for a better time to tell her. She obviously was shocked and scared. I have no chance, I should've known. But now that I told her, nothing would be normal anymore: she'll have to ignore me now. Why did I do that? Why am I acting without even thinking? Why did I had this urge to-"

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at his door. He just got up to sit on the edge of his bed and answered:
-Come in.

The door opened to reveal Anne, with her hair still considerably wet and her blanket wrapped loosely around her figure. Her eyes lingered into the light of the lamps in the room.

-Anne? Are you okay?

-I love you too.

-Yeah, I know I... Wait WHAT?

It was his turn to be shocked now. So she closed the door and went to sit next to him.

-I've always did. I just didn't want to admit it to myself until recently. I didn't know it was love but now I'm sure. I was afraid that you won't like me back. You're so handsome and smart and perfect and-

A smiled creeped on his face as he was following her lips with his gaze. He just caught her chin and stopped her mumbling by closing the gap between them once again.

-I'll have to get used to that, right? he chuckled.

-Shut up Blythe. she smiled.

She got up and walked to the door. He got up too but stood there. As she was trying to open the door she looked back and saw him standing there with his eyes full of hope and his curls falling into his eyes so she couldn't resist. She went back and just hugged him. His arms were the safest place she could think of in that moment. As he wrapped his arms around her neck and placed his head on hers, due to the height difference, she felt like her worries disappeared.

They were finally happy. Their past disappeared suddenly and the only thing they could think of was their future together. All the things they could experience, all the places they could go. They were only 15 but they somehow knew, in that exact moment, hugging in a hotel room God knows where, that they will last. They will love each other for the rest of their lives, no matter what. It was a complete new feeling but they liked the comfort they felt. They were finally done pretending.

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