Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen    

Kennedy's Point of view

The amount of emotions going through me right now are unexplainable, I am excited and nervous at the same time.

I hope Roman wasn't just trying to calm my nerves by just saying that. Taking a deep breath, I open the car door and step out.

A beautiful woman who seems to be in her mid-forties with fair skin, black hair and piercing greenish hazel eyes that compliment her features.
She was standing next to an older man with black hair and dark brown eyes much like Romans.

The beautiful lady smiled softly at me while the man just stared at me, he looked extremely intimidating. Looking back at Roman, he came over to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the beautiful pair in front of us.

"Kennedy, meet my mom, Emilia" He then turns to me
"Mom, this is Kennedy." I smile nervously extending my hand

"Nice to meet you ma'am." She smiles widely before yanking me into her arms, hugging me.
An 'umph' left my lips when I made contact with her frame.

"You're the cutest thing in the world, Roman did good getting someone like you!" she squished my face before Roman removed her hands from my face and pulled me to him.

"Mom really, you're going to scare him off!" He grumbled at her.

I didn't have any words, I just watched them and how they interacted together which resulted in a small giggle to escape my lips.

I look to my right to see Roman's dad still standing while watching the pair with an amused glint in his eye.

I removed myself from Romans grip which he didn't notice, I walked up to the older man.
"Hello sir, my name is K-Kennedy, it's nice to meet you." I say politely.

I mentally cursed myself for stuttering. I extended my hand for him to shake, he stared at me for a moment before taking my hand in his and shaking it firmly.

"Nice to meet you Kennedy, My names Theodore but you can call me Theo." I smile softly at him, nodding. I turned back to Roman and held his hand, eventually they settled down and we went inside.

My jaw dropped at how gorgeous their house was on the inside.
Their grand staircase and chandelier hanging right when you walk in, the walls were painted white while the tiles were a beautiful grey wood. At the top of the stairs I noticed Maxie come down in only boxers occupied by his phone, he looked up, feeling our presence.

His eyes slowly widened in realization as his cheeks flush pink.

"W-why didn't anyone tell me Kennedy was here!" He sputtered in utter mortification.

"We did, three times but you just never pay attention. Now go get dressed, you look like a bum!" Mrs. Knight told Max. I tried so hard not to laugh but the small giggle that bubbled wanted to come out escaped past my lips.


Roman pulled my chair out for me as we all sat down for dinner. I quietly thanked him, sitting down while he pushed my seat in.

By now Max finally came down decently dressed "Sorry Kennedy." He said, scratching his neck sheepishly. I sent him a reassuring smile "It's alright Maxie." Max joined us at the table while Roman and his dad talked about something that didn't really interest me, Mrs. Knight came back into the room along with two ladies in aprons.

Are they maids? I wasn't sure how to think about that but it was their life. It still was weird to think about I always had to do my own things. One of the ladies that came in set a plate of grilled salmon with wine sauce and asparagus which honestly made my mouth water with just the smell itself. "God this smells divine!" I exclaim softly "Why thank you dear! Alright, let's eat." She says cheerfully.

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