Off day

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Deku Pov

"Bye, mom!" I said as I  left for school. I was excited mainly because we were going to do training with All might, my favorite hero. A lot had happened since I inherited one for all. I had managed to control it now. No one knew about it but All might and Kacchan. I made it to the school on time but I can't say the same about Kacchan. I felt a little off today but I would be fine.

Bakugou Pov

I got to school late as usual, not that I cared anyway. That stupid nerd was already in his seat. He always had his signature smile on but today was different. I almost wanted to ask him what the problem was but I couldn't. Not here anyway. I saw Uraraka walk over to his desk and decided to listen in on the conversation.

Nobody Pov

Uraraka: "Hey, Deku what's wrong?"
Deku:" Nothing. I'm perfectly fine. Why do you ask?"
Uraraka:" Nothing it's just you seem a little off today."
Deku:" I'm fine. Don't worry."
Uraraka:" Okay then." She said and walked off.

Deku Pov

I couldn't let her know that I wasn't feeling well. I didn't want to worry her or anyone else. My head was pounding like crazy and I found it hard to concentrate. I wondered what was wrong with me. I just needed to hold on until the end of the day.

*Time skip to lunchtime*

Bakugou Pov

I decided to ask the nerd what was bothering him. It was a little annoying. Anyone could tell that he wasn't fine. To be honest I was a little worried. Wait! What!? Did I worry about that nerd? What was wrong with me? I just had to know what was bothering him. I called him aside and asked him to follow me.

Nobody Pov

Bakugou: "You better tell me what's wrong right now!
Deku: "What do you mean, Kacchan?"
Bakugou: "Anyone can see that something is bothering you so what is it?!
Deku: "What are you talking about I'm perfectly fi- *cough* fine.
Bakugou put his hand on Deku's forehead which made Deku blush slightly at his touch.
Deku:" I'm just a little sick, that's all."
Bakugou: " You could have just said so."
Deku:" I'll be fine don't worry."
Bakugou: "Who said I was worried. I'm not worried. But take care of yourself and make sure you eat!"

*Time skip to the end of the day*

Deku Pov

I was hardly able to concentrate the whole day. My head was pounding and I had lost my appetite. I also had a slight cough which made my headache more. Only Kacchan knew that I was sick. I didn't want anyone else to know since it would worry them. I walked to the dorms to find almost everyone in the common room apart from Kacchan and Torodoki. Tokidoki had gone to visit his mother in the hospital. I was tired so I just waved and walked to my room. I nearly fell from the shock at what I saw. Kacchan was in my room. I didn't expect this at all.

*524 words*

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