Ripped shirts

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Nobody Pov

The name Deku was on everyone's lips as Iida pushed them out of his dorm room. Everyone was either worried or curious about the greenette's condition. He was asleep as far as anyone was concerned, but that all changed when he started screaming in his sleep. Bakugou was now trying his best to comfort the little broccoli but nothing was working. They were alone in the once crowded dorm room. "K-kacchan..." Was all Deku could say after a solid ten minutes. "What?" Replied the ash blonde. "I'm scared. Please don't leave." "I'm not going anywhere." That was basically the entire conversation for about an hour. They were quiet, both said nothing. Bakugou decided to go back to his dorm room after he felt Deku's steady and slow breathing which meant that he was asleep. He started getting up though slowly so as to not wake up the sleeping broccoli. Before he did so he felt a light tug on his shirt. It was obviously Deku. "Deku I have to go back to my dorm room." The ash blonde whispered. The half asleep greenette didn't want to let go. Bakugou sighed in defeat and snuggled up to him and quickly fell asleep.

*Time skip to morning*

Deku Pov

I woke up to the all too familiar feeling in my stomach. I made a mad dash for the bathroom and began spilling my guts again. A few minutes into throwing up, I felt someone rubbing my back. It was Kacchan. After I was done I began sobbing into Kacchan's chest while clinging onto him as if my life depends on how tight  I hold on. I didn't know how tight I was holding him until I ripped his shirt off. We were now sitting on the bathroom floor, Kacchan was a shirtless blushing mess. "S-sorry. I d-didn't m-mean t-to r-rip y- your s-shirt o-off." To be honest they both liked it. "Deku take your shirt off." The innocent broccoli obeyed. They were now both shirtless on the bathroom floor, surrounded by a comfortable silence. I leaned onto Katsuki's chest and smiled up at him. "Kacchan... I love you." I said. "I love you too you damn nerd." Was the response I got. Before we could continue, we were interrupted by Kirishma. "So what do yo- .... WOAH! What are you two doing?" I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Nobody Pov

Deku had woken up that morning to throw up. One thing led to another and now Katsuki and Izuku were both shirtless on the floor. Their moment was ruined by Kirishma who was sent in by the rest of the class to ask about breakfast. Little did he know that he was ruining a moment for the two. "Sorry. I just wanted to ask about breakfast. What do you guys want to have?" Said the slightly excited red head. "Tch." That was the only reply he got from the two of them. Izuku was feeling too sick to be thinking about food. Katsuki was annoyed and he could make his own breakfast some other time. "How are you feeling now?" Asked Katsuki in an attempt to break the awkward silence.

(Sorry that I didn't post yesterday, I've been kind of busy. Also sorry that this chapter is shorter than the rest. Like I said I've been kind of busy. Enjoy! Author-chan out)

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