What do you think of me

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Nobody Pov

Kirishma had by now left the two boys to continue whatever they were doing. On the bathroom floor. Both shirtless. Deku had just thrown up and Bakugou was helping him. The ash blonde lifted the greenette from the floor and put him back in his bed. "I'm going to take a shower and change. You should do the same." And with that Bakugou left Deku's room.

Bakugou Pov

I left Deku in his room and went to take a shower. Shitty hair ruined the moment we were having in the bathroom. I'm annoyed at the red head. He needs to learn how to knock.  I got to my room and locked the door. I started stripping starting with my now ripped shirt and then my pants. I took my towel and put it around my neck as I took off my boxers. I got into the shower and started by shampooing my hair and then adding body wash. After I was done showering I dried myself off and put on some clothes. I wore a pair of black sweatpants and an orange hoodie. I heard a knock on my door. "WHICH EXTRA IS THAT?!" I shouted from inside my room. They were really starting to get on my nerves. I opened the door only to see shitty hair. "Bakubro, hey...... We need to talk." He said as he pushed me inside.
B: Bakugou K: Kirishma

B:"What do you want?"
K:"Dude I'm really sorry about earlier."
B: "Whatever. What do you want?"
K: "I just wanted to ask how Midoriya is doing for the sake of the others."
B: "Tell them to stop poking their noses where they don't belong. Now get out!"

People these days don't know how to mind their own business. I quickly dried my hair and went downstairs to get something for me and Deku to eat.

Deku Pov

After Kacchan left, I got up to take a shower. I felt weak but not hungry. I don't want to eat anything today. I don't think that I could stomach it anyway. I took off my clothes and got into the shower. I squirted the strawberry scented shampoo onto my hand and rubbed it into my hair. It was my favorite shampoo since childhood. Then I added body wash to my body. After I rinsed everything off I got out of the bathroom in only a pair of boxers and a towel around my neck. It was then that I heard a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I asked as I hurriedly put on my clothes. "It's Todoroki." The person replied. I opened the door. I was now in a pair of grey sweatpants and a green hoodie.
I: Izuku T: Todoroki

I: "Good morning."
T: "Hey, um can I come in?"
I: "Sure. What do you want to talk about?"
T: "I just have a few questions.
I: " Ask away. "
T: "How is Bakugou treating you. Is he bullying you?"
I: "Kacchan treats me pretty well actually. He's not bullying me."
T: "How are you feeling now?"
I: "Not too great actually. I just threw up and my head hurts."
T: "I'm sorry about that."
I: "No don't be it's my fault."
T: "Okay. Last question.
I: " Okay."
T: "What do you think of me?"
I: "I think of you as a good friend and a worthy rival in terms of hero training. But ther-

His sentence was cut short by an angry looking Bakugou." WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN DEKU'S ROOM, ICYHOT!?"

Nobody Pov

Bakugou had gone to get Izuku some breakfast, when he opened the door and saw Todoroki talking with Izuku. To say he was furious was an understatement.
B: Bakugou T: Todoroki I: Izuku

I: " Kacchan please don't yell."
T: "I was just talking to Midoriya. Got a problem with that?"
I: "Kacchan...."
T: "Stop talking as if you own him!"
I: "Don't start yelling too Todoroki."
I: "Please stop."
I: "You guys stop it."
I: "GUYS I SAID STOP IT! My head hurts and you two fighting isn't helping."

This was the first time either of them had heard Izuku yell. They were both standing facing each other with both their quirks activated. They now felt a little ashamed for arguing in Midoriya's room. When they turned to face Izuku they felt even more guilt when they saw the state he was in. Tears were streaming down his pale face and he had put both of his hands over his ears in order to block out the noise. "Midoriya I'm sorry." Todoroki started. "Just go away." Was the only response he got. He got up and left now with more guilt than ever. The reason why Todoroki was so triggered by Bakugou is because he was jealous. Jealous that his crush was being taken care of by someone other than him. Jealous that his crush might like someone else. Little did he know that Bakugou and Izuku had already confessed to each other. It was a heartbreak waiting to happen.

(Hope you enjoy this!)

*891 words*

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