Silent shatter

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Nobody Pov

Aizawa went into Deku's room to check on Midoriya. He was worried but he won't let it show. Todoroki was also fighting back tears as he watched on. Aizawa placed his palm on Midoriya's head to feel his temperature. Almost immediately after he touched him he whipped out his phone from his pocket and dialed 911. The concern on his face now started to show as the paramedics rushed in and took him away on a stretcher. Bakugou was still crying hopelessly into Kirishima's arms as he watched the love of his life be taken away. Almost everybody was there except Mineta who was thrown into the trash.


(Mineta is a good character. I don't hate him. #protectMineta)

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Bakugou and Aizawa tagged along in the back of the ambulance that contained the sick broccoli. Classes were cancelled for that day which gave the others even more time to worry. Izuku was still unconscious and Bakugou was shaking still recovering from the panic attack he just had. He wasn't going to lose his little broccoli...was he? Once they arrived at the hospital, Izuku was rushed into the ER while Bakugou and Aizawa waited. Todoroki and the others who were left behind, were also worried but they didn't really understand what was going on. After half an hour, Izuku was wheeled out of whatever room he was in and Bakugou immediately shot up from his seat to check on him. Once he was settled in a ward, the doctors began to explain what was wrong with him. Apparently Izuku had been doing extra training every single day. More than what he usually does. This made his body too tired to even fight off a simple flu. He will regain consciousness in about an hour from now.

Izuku Pov

I slowly opened my eyes to a bright room. I shut them again because of the throbbing pain in my head. "What happened...." I asked out loud. I felt a weight being lifted off my legs and opened my eyes to see what it was, only to be met by a very familiar pair of crimson eyes. "Deku? Are you awake?" He asked. His voice was slightly shaky and he sounded worried. "Y-yeah I'm awake. Where am I?" I could hardly see anything because of how bright the light was. Suddenly someone else burst into the room. "Is he awake?" "Yes he is." I heard footsteps coming  closer and closer to me. "You are in the hospital. You passed out because you were sick." Suddenly all the memories came flooding back. The way Kacchan and Todoroki were fighting in my room and the splitting headache I had. It hurts just to think about it. "How do you feel now?" Kacchan asked. I didn't know how to respond to that. I didn't want to tell him because he would be worried, but I didn't want to lie to him. "My stomach hurts." I replied. I didn't tell him the full truth. My head was pounding like crazy and I was suppressing a cough that was about to come. "W-will.......will you promise me something?" He asked. This was a serious question seeing as he doesn't usually stutter. "What?" I replied. I was curious to see what he would make me promise. We had already confessed to each other. "P-promise me that...that you'll be okay." He was worried about me. I could get used to this."I promise."

Nobody Pov

Despite Izuku's desperate attempts to stop him, Bakugou ended up spending the night in the hospital. The rest if the class who were left behind, were reassured by Aizawa that Izuku would be okay. Kirishima had done something that would get him killed when Bakugou returns. He had blurted out the secret of Izuku and Bakugou confessing to each other to Kaminari. Kaminari in turn went and blurted it out to everyone completely forgetting he wasn't supposed to tell anyone. Most people were happy for them apart from Mineta who was homophobic and Todoroki who had heard the silent shatter of his own heart. Now he couldn't wait for Izuku and Bakugou to come back. He was going to have to fight for his love. No matter what.

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