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Nobody Pov

Bakugou was now in the sleeping Deku's room chatting with his friends on his phone. He would check on Deku every few minutes to make sure he was comfortable. There was one thing that was bothering him though. Since when did his Deku become Todoroki's? This question was repeating itself in his head until he found it hard to concentrate on anything. He put his phone down and found himself staring at the blank ceiling thinking about those words. He couldn't help but wonder what Todoroki meant by those words. He didn't realiseHe had been sitting there for hours until Deku stirred from his sleep. "Kacchan....." Called out the green haired boy. This was enough to halt Bakugou's train of thought and bring him back to reality. "How do you feel now? Do you want anything?" Bakugou asked as he stood up quickly and rushed to his boyfriend's side.
B: Bakugou D: Deku

D: "I'm fine but my stomach and my head hurts."
B: "Don't move I'll get you some painkillers."
D: "Okay..."
Bakugou left the room quickly and went to grab some painkillers for Deku. He was met by none other than Todoroki on his way. "Finally decided to stop torturing him?" Todoroki said. He wanted to get on Bakugou's nerves, but right now the blonde could care less about the other's existence. His cinnamon roll was in pain so nothing else really mattered apart from that. He came back and closed the door louder than he intended to.

D: "Ow.."
B: "I got the painkillers. Are you okay?"
D: "I'll be fine  Don't worry.
B: "Who said I was worried? I'm just concerned."
D: "There is no difference, Kacchan just admit it. You're worried about me."
B: "I am not. J-just take your medicine already."

Deku Pov

I took the painkillers that Kacchan brought me. Honestly he was cute when he tried to hide his feelings. I wonder why he does that. We were quiet for a while. Nobody really said anything. I was happy because this was the first time I've woken up without throwing up. However something was keeping me from fully enjoying my achievement. It was Kacchan. He had been staring at the same allmight poster on my wall for over ten minutes. Something was going through his mind and it was giving him trouble. I wanted to help him.

D: "Kacchan?"
B: "........."
D: "Kacchan"
B: ".........."
D: "Kacchan!"
B: "W-what?"
D: "Nice of you to finally join me."
B: "I was thinking about something. Do you need anything?"
D: "The only thing I need is for you to tell me what's bothering you."
B: "Nothing's bothering me."
D: "Please you can trust me. I won't tell anyone,I just want to help."
B: "I don't want to bother you. You should get some rest."
D: "Please tell me I want to help. I want to be a good boyfriend. Now tell me what's wrong."
B: "It's Todoroki. He keeps picking fights with me. He says that you belong to him and that I'm hurting you. He reminds me of the way I bullied you every time I see him. I don't know what to do."
D: "Don't worry about it. I already forgave you so just ignore him. Don't listen to him, I'll talk to him when I get better. As for now your little cinnamon roll wants cuddles."

Bakugou Pov

It's a mystery as to how he could calm me down so easily. I chuckled and went to cuddle him. I was the big spoon, as usual. Not long after my little broccoli fell asleep. I decided to go to sleep too since I hadn't slept much these past few days. I could feel Deku tossing and turning so much that I couldn't sleep. I checked the time it was 4.00pm m meaning we had been asleep for three hours. All I wanted to do was to go back to sleep so I hugged him tighter to make him stop moving. Just as I was about to drift off he suddenly bolted from the door and rushed for the bathroom. I already knew that he was going to throw up. I was so glad that I have a strong stomach otherwise I wouldn't have made it this far. I reached the bathroom and knelt down beside him, holding his curls up with one hand while rubbing his back with the other. After about ten minutes he stopped throwing up. He told me that his head was hurting so I made him take some painkillers before carrying him back to bed. I hope he gets better soon. I don't like to see him like this. It hurts seeing the one you live suffer and you can't do anything about it. I kissed his head and we went back to sleep.

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