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Bakugou Pov

I felt kind of bad for arguing in Deku's room but Icyhot was getting on my nerves. What did he want from my Izuku? That wasn't my priority right now. He was sick and all I did was make it worse. He was now sobbing and struggling to take air into his lungs. "Hey calm down. I'm sorry. It's going to be okay." I said as I walked up to his bed to cuddle him. I sat on his bed and cradled his head in my arms as he held on to me. Soon the sobbing turned into nothing but sniffles. I could feel the heat radiating off him as we pulled away. He was having a fever. "Stay put. I'll be right back." I said and walked to my room to get the fever reducers that were given to me by recovery girl. When I came back into Deku's room, I didn't see him on his bed where I left him. Panic started to surge through me as I heard the heaving and retching coming from the bathroom. I put the fever reducers down on his desk and rushed to help him. I found him kneeling on the floor near the toilet dry heaving. Nothing was coming up. "Kacchan.. I don't feel good." Was all he could say before he started dry heaving again. I felt sorry for the poor boy. I just wanted to give him the world at this point. I wanted to protect that smile and that cute giggle. I just wanted him to be okay. He made me feel something I never would have imagined to feel..... I wrapped my arm around his stomach as my other hand was rubbing his back. Finally after a while, whatever demon that was in his system decided to come out. He was trembling all over and couldn't hold himself up. It was worrying. I've never seen him this sick before. This was only the second day of him being sick. His fever didn't look like it was going anywhere. After about ten minutes, he stopped. "Are you done now?" I asked he managed to nod his head as he began to stand up. He was still burning up which only made me worry. "Kacchan..." I managed to catch him before he hit the floor. He had passed out. Upon seeing this I panicked. I didn't know what to do so I put him on his bed and screamed for someone to come help me, not taking the time to hide the concern in my voice.

Kirishima Pov

I was walking down the hall talking to Kaminari when I heard something. More like someone. "SOMEBODY HELP ME! HURRY UP AND HELP ME!!" The owner of the voice sounded scared and concerned. Me and Kaminari both gave each other a look and decided to go investigate. We arrived in Deku's room and saw Bakugou at the door, screaming at the top of his lungs for help. Iida, Todoroki, Tsuyu and Mina were here. Once he noticed us he yelled: "SOMEBODY CALL AIZAWA AND TELL HIM TO GET THE HELL OVER HERE!" Without wasting any time Mina fished out her phone and called him. "What happened Bakubro?" I asked in a calm voice knowing that he was distressed. I've only ever seen him like this once and that was a while ago. "It's D-deku h-he..... h-he
p-passed o-out." His voice was shaky and he had now started crying. Todoroki and the others were shocked beyond words. I went up to him and caught him just before he fell and started to sob. I knew how much he cared for Midoriya. He was now sobbing like a 5-year old. Aizawa walked in. His usual tired expression slowly morphed into surprise and then back to exhaustion. "What happened?" I explained everything to him while rubbing circles on Bakugou's back to try and calm him down. This was going to be a long day.

(None of the art in this story is mine. I can't draw for the life of me. Anyways enjoy this!)

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