Throw up

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Bakugou Pov

I decided to talk to Kirishma about what I felt towards the nerd. He said that maybe I was just worried because we had known each other for very long and I had never seen him sick before. It was strange. So I decided to wait for him in his room and check if he was feeling better. I heard the door open and there the stupid nerd stood. I guess I might have scared him because he nearly fell when he saw me.

Nobody Pov

Deku: "What are you doing in my room?!
Bakugou: "Nothing. Just wanted to see if you were okay."
Deku: "Kacchan that's so....*cough, cough*
Bakugou: "Hey! Are you okay?!"
Deku was having his millionth coughing fit of the day. He clutched his chest in pain. After he stopped his head was starting to pound and he found himself in Bakugou's strong arms. He didn't even realize he was falling.
Bakugou: "Hey nerd are you okay?"
Deku: "Yeah, I'll be fine. I think I'm coming down with something." He said as he stood up and put his bag down.

Bakugou Pov

I'm starting to get more worried about that nerd. He nearly passed out. "I think you shouldn't go to school tomorrow," I said. "No, I'll be fine." He replied but I knew that wasn't true. I didn't want anything to happen to him because I... I love him. Admitting that was one of the biggest struggles of my life. I loved that stupid nerd and I didn't want anything to happen to him. I decided to take care of him since he was being stubborn. I had a gag from behind me that brought me out of my thoughts. Another followed and I turned to see Deku with one hand on his stomach and the other on his mouth. Our eyes locked for a minute and he looked scared.

Deku Pov

Today was rough on me. I was almost completely fine this morning. I hardly listened to anything the teachers said today. My head was pounding like crazy for most of the day. I didn't eat much at lunchtime. Now the little that I ate was about to come up. I had begun another coughing fit when Kacchan was lost in thought. This time it was different. The pain wasn't in my chest. The pain was in my stomach. I have a phobia of throwing up and now I was about to. I gagged twice and Kacchan turned to look at me.

Nobody Pov

Bakugou knew that Deku was about to throw up. Deku made a mad dash for the bathroom. Bakugou followed him now more worried than ever. It was extremely rare to see Deku throw up. When Bakugou arrived he saw Deku splashing his face with water.
Deku: "I don't want to throw up Kacchan. I don't. I'm scared."
Bakugou: "It will be fine. Don't worry."
Deku began to gag again. Bakugou's crimson eyes widened as Deku began to throw up. Bakugou held his green curls up and rubbed his back as he did so. After about five minutes Deku stopped throwing up. He was trembling now and his skin had turned a deathly white.

*540 words*

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