Accepting defeat

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Bakugou Pov

That was the first and hopefully the last time I get to see Deku snap like that. He dragged me into his room, sat me down on his bed and went to the bathroom to get something for my bruise. Everything makes sense now. That half 'n half was always picking fights with me because he was jealous. Deku came back with an ice pack and put it gently on the bruise. He hadn't said anything since we came up, so I'm guessing he's still upset. I'm glad that he's doing better though otherwise this could've been disastrous. I was lost in my own thoughts when something brought me back to the real world. My  Deku was crying. Tears were running down his freckled cheeks and his legs gave way. He was now a ball on the floor crying till he couldn't breath. I rushed up to him and hugged him rubbing circles on his back to kind of open up his airways. He held on to me and there went another shirt. After about ten minutes he was calm enough to form complete sentences so I asked him what's wrong.
D: Deku B: Bakugou

B: "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
D: "No."
B: "Tell me what's wrong."
D: "I feel sorry for yelling at one of my friends like that."
B: "After all he has done you feel sorry?"
D: "He may have made some mistakes but he is still human. Everyone makes mistakes."
B: "I.... I think you two need some time off from each other."
D: "I'm the one who yelled at him. I even called him a jerk. I feel terrible for
snapping like that."
B: "You know it's okay to get angry sometimes, right?"
D: "But I don't wanna hurt anyone. I don't want to be the cause of someone's sadness I want to be the reason they smile."
B: "But at what cost? Don't sacrifice everything to make other people happy. Sacrifice just enough not everything."
D: "Kacchan......"
B: "What?"
D: "I love you."
B: "I love you too nerd."

Nobody Pov

Bakugou and Deku were in their room while the rest of the class was left downstairs. Nobody really said anything after the duo left. Todoroki was left there dumbfounded realising what he had done. He had tried to take away the one person that Deku cared about the most. He knew that he had lost from the beginning. The person that he has loved for almost a year doesn't love him back. That's going to hurt and it will take a while to heal. He hadn't realised that he was crying until he felt someone hug him. It was Momo. He needed all the support he could get so he hugged her back. He let loose and got rid of everything he had been holding inside. He hadn't cried like this since he was five. Some of the rest had gone to class while others remained. Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina and Momo had remained. Kirishima took Todoroki to his room while Mina went to check on Bakugou and Deku. After everyone was taken care of, the four sat in the living room and put on a movie. After about an hour, Deku cane downstairs and went to the kitchen. The others noticed him so they asked what he was doing.
D: Deku K: Kirishima Ka: Kaminari
M: Mina Y: Momo

K: "Hey, what are you doing?"
D: "Getting some leftover Katsudon for Kacchan. He's not feeling too good."
M: "Oh no! What happened?"
D: "He has a really bad migraine and he hasn't eaten anything today."
Y: "Hope he gets better." How are you?"
D: "I'm doing a lot better actually. I haven't thrown up for a while and I don't have a headache all the time."
K: "That's great! Cone watch a movie with us."
D: "I would love to but I can't. I have to take care of Kacchan. See you guys later."
All: "See you!"

Deku Pov

After Kacchan had comforted me he told me that he had a headache. I told him to lie down on my bed but he wouldn't listen. After about half an hour his headache had turned into a migraine. I finally convinced him to lay down. He told me that he was hungry so I went to the kitchen to get some Katsudon. When I went back to the room, I found him asleep. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep. I don't think that the migraines are because of lack of sleep though. Maybe he's getting sick or maybe not. His immune system is really strong so it's hard for him to get sick. Maybe it's all the stress he's been under lately. It was around 9.00am now. I hope he feels better soon.

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