For god's sake Izuku....

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Deku Pov

I heard a soft knock on the door to my room. I assumed it was Kacchan so I stood up on my wobbly legs and opened the door. "Kacchan did you make the katsudon?" I asked. I belatedly realised that someone else was with him. Was that recovery girl? I think so. My vision was getting blurry from the migraine, so I walked back to my bed and pulled the covers above my head(that rhymed). Soon I felt the covers being pulled off me. "Could you breath in for me?" Recovery girl asked as something cold touched my back. I was utterly unable to take a deep breath without coughing. After a while recovery girl and Kacchan left my room, much to my relief. I heard them talking outside bur I was too tired to listen in on their conversation. I lay back on my bed and succumbed to the warm darkness.

Bakugou Pov

After about 10 minutes after the call, recovery girl finally arrived. My patience was starting to wear thin. She asked me where he was and all that other stuff like: 'how long has he been like this?' Or 'how bad is it?'. We both went into his room. He looked somewhat out of it as she was examining him. A look of worry was becoming more and more evident on her face, making me worry too. After about 10 minutes she called me outside. I followed her. I was willing to listen to what she had to say for Deku's sake. Just this once.

Nobody Pov

"I'm very worried about Izuku." Recovery girl started. "What's wrong with him?" A worried Bakugou replied. "Well it seems as if he's suffering from a lot of things. First of all that cough needs to go. It's putting a lot of strain on his lungs and that could hurt him. After listening to his lungs he was struggling to breath." The explanation continued. In the end Bakugou had a whole bag full of different medicines and stuff. Recovery girl also informed Aizawa on the situation saying that Katsuki will have to stay behind to take care of Deku. Whatever was going on with Deku was a result of over working himself. He was at risk of becoming asthmatic. He wasn't supposed to run or do anything high stress for a few weeks. The inability to keep his food down wasn't that much of a big deal.

*Time skip to about 3 hours later*

Deku Pov

I woke up and it was about 2.00pm. I think I've been asleep for a few hours. My migraine was almost gone but everything else was pretty much the same. I got changed since I was still in my school uniform and put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a pink hoodie. I walked to the common room only to see Kacchan doing whatever he was doing on his phone. There was a weird brown bag on the table. "Kacchan, what is th-." My sentence got cut short. "What the hell are you doing out of bed?!" "I just wanted to see if you were still here." I replied. "Stay in bed until you get better." He said as he picked me up and carried me back to my room. "I'm fine really." I tried to tell him but my words fell on deaf ears. He was having none of it. "Recovery girl said you should stay at the dorms for a week so that you can get better." He said as he laid me down on the bed. His voice was soft and his usual scowl was replaced by a look of concern. Was he worried about me? No. That. Was. Impossible. And then it hit me,"Wait you called recovery girl?! I thought I told you not to tell anyone!" I said. I was mad. I didn't want anyone to worry about me and now here we are.

Nobody Pov

B: Bakugou I: Izuku

I: "Why did you call her!?
B: " You were getting worse...and I didn't want anything to happen to you." He said with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

Izuku did not expect an answer like that at all. He decided to get something off his chest that he has questioned so many times.

I: "Were...were you worried about me?"

Bakugou froze at the question. He didn't know how to answer it. He just stood there. It was silent for a while(3 minutes) until something brought him back from his thoughts. There was a warm liquid running down his face. That's when he realised he was crying. Katsuki Bakugou was crying. Something he hadn't done in years.

I: "S-sorry I d-didn't m-mean t-to make y-you c-cry."
B: "It's not your fault. Stop apologizing."
I: "O-okay."
B: "Yes.
I: "Yes what?"
B: "Yes.. I...was worried about you... I'm sorry.... for everything I did to you. I started getting weird feelings around you and I hated it.. That's why I bullied you. But then I realised that I was in love with you. For god's sake Izuku..... I ... I love you."

By now Bakugou was a sobbing mess. He had finally confessed to his childhood crush. All that he was carrying was now gone. All that was left was guilt. He was guilty for bullying Izuku everyday. For telling him to go kill himself that day back in middle school. Now there was no hope of Izuku loving him back. Not after what he did.

I: " Kacchan....

*933 words*

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