Lifted off his feet

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Nobody Pov

The whole class was basically in shock at the sight before them. Bakugou (AKA the class grump) was carrying Izuku (AKA the class softie) in his arms. "What the....." Escaped from most people's lips as they stared at the new space. "I ship them!" Shouted an excited Kaminari who managed to get most people out of their trance. "Not the time." Said a half annoyed Sero. "Sorry.." Replied the blonde. "What the hell was that!?" Asked Mina as a very tired Mr. Aizawa entered the class. "What did Bakugou do this time?" Aizawa asked making his presence known to most of the class while the others still staring at the space where the duo was. Tokoyami offered to explain everything and Aizawa said: "I'm too tired for this." He continued his lesson as if nothing had happened. Many found it hard to concentrate.

Deku Pov

After my friends walked away I felt guilty. I didn't mean to push them away, I just didn't want them to worry about me. They sat in a group and started whispering about who knows what. What if they didn't want to be friends with me anymore? What if they hated me now for pushing them away? What if they were planning to get back at me? What if everyone hates me now? What if they are planning on taking me to a hospital? What if- "Hey are you okay?" I heard a soft voice ask. It was Kacchan. I hadn't noticed that I was hyperventilating. I started gasping for air. I was having a panic attack. The realization only made me panic more. Suddenly I felt a strong pair of arms lift me from my seat. I guessed they belonged to Kacchan and allowed me to be carried out of class with a red face. Most of the redness was because I was sick but I guess I was also blushing. After walking to the bathroom Kacchan put me down and made sure we were alone. I was terrified at the thought of my friends leaving me. It reminded me of how my father left and it made me sob harder, throwing me into another coughing fit.

Bakugou Pov

"Shhh, it's okay. Calm down." I said as hugged him on the floor. He clenched onto my shirt drenching it in tears as he did so. After about ten minutes he seemed to calm down. His breathing was under control but he was still shaking a little bit. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He just shook his head so I decided not to push it. "Can you stand?" I said as I helped him to his feet. He nodded in response. I decided to take him back to the dorms because he wasn't going to be able to handle it today. I completely forgot that I was supposed to be in class and all that other stuff. When we arrived at the dorms he started to speak but no sound came out. I guess his voice was almost gone because of all of the coughing. At this point, I decided I'll call the recovery girl and tell her to come without Izuku's knowledge. I put him in bed and walked down to the kitchen to make him some Katsudon. I was pretty good at cooking. I hoped that he would get better as he called recovery girl and explained everything to her.

Recovery girl Pov

I suddenly got a call from one of Aizawa's students saying something about his classmate being sick. I didn't understand what he was trying to say so I offered to come to the dorms to check it out myself. I picked my first aid kit and headed to the dorms. I softly knocked on the door when I arrived. I was received by an angry-looking blonde and the warn aroma of Katsudon. "Where is he?" I asked. He pointed to the rooms and I went up there with him in tow.

*678 words*

(I am going to start doing slightly longer chapters. Enjoy!)

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