What does this make us

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Nobody Pov
It was oddly quiet in the dorms despite there being two teenage boys there. Katsuki Bakugou was a sobbing mess while Izuku Midoriya was shocked beyond words or even thoughts. He was just blank. After about 10 minutes Bakugou walked out of Izuku's door quietly closing the door. He was calmer but his eyes were still red and puffy. No one could see him like this. He was so vulnerable. He washed his face in the kitchen sink and sighed. There was no way the nerd liked him back. Impossible. This made him feel a little sad but he knew it was his fault. He picked up his phone and started to text someone. He was still in the kitchen.

*phone text*

Bakugou: I need to talk to you.
Kirishma: What's up Bakubro?
Bakugou: It's Deku.
Kirishma: Did he get worse?
Bakugou: No. I told him.
Kirishma: Told him what?
Bakugou: Just come talk to my room after class and I'll tell you everything.
Kirishma: Okay...

*End of text*

Deku Pov

"For god's sake Izuku.... I love you." Those words rang in my head over and over again. I hadn't even noticed that he had left my room until I heard the soft click of my door. My migraine was completely gone but I still felt weak. That was the first time I've seen Kacchan cry in about five years. I was so happy! My childhood crush finally said that he loved me and all it took was me getting sick. It was worth it. Putting all my logic aside I rushed to go find Kacchan. By the time I was getting to the elevator I was out of breath. I found him in the kitchen looking a bit sad. I had pushed my body too much so I fell to my knees and started another coughing fit. I felt a strong pair of arms lift me off my feet again. Twice in the same day. I must be very lucky. Once I calm down I quickly yelled out the words: "Katsuki... I love you too!"

Bakugou Pov

I was in the kitchen texting weird hair when I heard a thud behind me. It was Deku who had now started another coughing fit. I picked him up and put him on the couch in the common room. I start to walk away but I hear something that stopped me dead in my tracks." Katsuki.... I love you too!" For the second time today I feel the foreign sensation of tears running down my face. My body moves without me realising and I find myself in his embrace. We were both now balling on the couch.

Nobody Pov

All that could be heard in the empty dorms was the sobs of the two teenage boys. They were clinging to each other as if their lives depended on it. It was a moment that none of them would ever forget. Nothing mattered more than that moment right there. They only parted when they heard a strange noise. It was Izuku's stomach indicating that he was hungry. "S-sorry." Said the owner of the hungry stomach. It's okay. I made some katsudon." Bakugou replied handing the sick boy his favorite meal. They both sat in silence, a comfortable silence. They were both content with the events of the day so far. After a while Izuku decided to break the silence. "Kacchan... What does this make us?"

(Sorry for the short chapter. It just seemed to be right place to stop. Also thank you so so much for all the support and the people who are reading. It was a lot more than I expected. Love you guys. BYE! ;)

*619 words*

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