Panic attack

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Deku Pov

I barely managed to get out of bed and get ready. I wasn't surprised to see Kacchan standing outside my dorm room waiting for me. "Let's go you, damn nerd." He said and started heading towards the kitchen. He grabbed a smoothie and handed it to me without saying much but I knew he wanted me to drink it. I honestly was scared of drinking it in case I threw up again. I threw it in my bag and decided to drink it later. It was around 6.00 am by then. I got to class and sat down. I put my head on my desk not willing to make conversation with the rest of the class. Out of the blue, I started another coughing fit earning a few stares from my classmates. I saw my friends walking up to my desk:
U: Uraraka T: Todoroki F: Tsuyu I: Iida M: Izuku.

U: "Good morning Deku-Kun. Are you okay?"
M: "I'm fine. Don't worry."
F: "You don't sound fine. What's up?"
I: "You know you can talk to us. What's bothering you?"
M: "I SAID I'M FINE!........ Sorry I didn't mean to yell. It's just that-*cough*."
U: "Are you sick?"
M: "N-no I-I'm n-not s-sick!"
T: "You usually stutter when you're lying so you are sick."
M: "F-fine you caught me. *cough*."
F: "Let's take you to recovery girl then. She'll help you."
M: "NO! Please don't I'll be fine."
I: "Deku let us help you."
M: "I don't want your help and I don't need it. I said I'll be fine on my own. Am I not allowed to make my own decisions!?
U: " We were only trying to help."
M: "Just leave me alone *sniff* I'll be fine."

Nobody Pov

Bakugou usually sat in front of Deku, meaning he had overheard every single word. Izuku was now crying at the guilt of pushing his friends away. He cried pretty easily anyway. Bakugou and Izuku had been friends since they were kids. There are a lot of things that Bakugou knows about Izuku that the rest of the class doesn't. Like his fear of needles or his random anxiety attacks. Not forgetting the disappearance of his father and his past depression. Who said that all those scars on his hands were from just training? Bakugou quickly gets up from his seat and rushes to Izuku's side.

Bakugou Pov

I rush towards his side seeing as he was crying. He might have been having an anxiety attack so I wanted to see what's up. I was worried about him and didn't have the time to hide the concern in my voice. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked as softly as possible to not make his migraine worse. "*gasp* H-help *gasp* m-me *gasp*" He barely managed to squeeze out. My fears were confirmed, he was having a panic attack. I didn't have time to start panicking so I picked him up bridal style and carried him out of class. I didn't even notice that the class was quiet and that all attention was on us. My priority right now was Izuku, my childhood friend.

*535 words*

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