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Bakugou Pov

We were in the bathroom. The sick nerd had just thrown up and he was terrified. We were both sitting on the bathroom floor in silence. All that could be heard was his ragged panting. "How do you feel now?" I asked. I remember that he always had a fear of throwing up since we were kids. "My stomach feels a little better now." He said. That made me feel somewhat relieved. I helped him up and took him back to his room."I'm sorry for being a burden and making you take care of me." I was shocked at those words. "Who said you were being a burden?" He didn't answer my question. I decided not to push it. "Here you go," I said as I passed him a blanket and a glass of water. "Try and get some sleep." I didn't wait for a reply as I closed the door behind me.

Nobody Pov

Bakugou walked downstairs only to find the rest of the class staring at him. "Where is Izuku?" Iida asked. "Yeah, where is he?" Uraraka added. "He's in his room. Don't bother him." Bakugou replied. He didn't tell them that Deku was sick. He didn't want to add stress to the little greenette. "Yo Bakubro, can we talk for a moment?" Kirishma asked from his corner. "Whatever." Was Bakugou's answer. Kirishma and Bakugou have been friends for like ever and Kirishma knows when something's up.
K: Kirishma B: Bakugou

K: "Where is Midoriya?"
B: "Like I said in his room. Why?
K: " Is there anything wrong? You seem a bit worried about something."
B: "It's nothing.
K: " C'mon, I know when you're lying, tell me."
B: "The stupid nerd got sick and told me not to tell anyone."
K: "How bad is it?"
B: "Nothing much. Looks like a normal stomach bug. Though he can't keep anything down."
K: "Okay... Are you worried about him?"
B: "WHAT?! N-no,y-yes, m-maybe?"
K: "Woah, chill out dude I was just asking."
Their conversation gets cut off by Todoroki who finally decided to make his presence known. "How much of that did you hear?" Kirishma asks breaking the awkward silence. "Everything," Todoroki replies with a casual shrug. "Don't tell anyone," Bakugou said as he left to check on Deku but no one knew that. Todoroki just nodded.

Deku Pov

I was woken by the slight creak of my door. I turned my throbbing head only to see Kacchan standing in the doorway. "Did I wake you... Sorry." He said. WAIT! HOLD UP. Did Kacchan just ApOLogIZe!? That was new. I guess he must've seen the surprised look on my face 'cause he asked "Did I scare you? " No, you didn't scare me," I replied. "Do you feel any better? He asked. To be honest I felt slightly worse but I didn't tell him. I didn't want to worry him so I lied and told him that I was feeling well enough to go to class the next day. I think I saw a smile on his face but that's impossible.
It was about 10 pm and he looked tired so I didn't want to bother him right before he went to sleep. I felt my stomach turn and I knew I was going to throw up again." Kacchan...." I started.

*558 words*

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