Mr boyfriend

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Nobody Pov

It has been a little over a day since Izuku was rushed to the hospital. Bakugou hardly got any sleep during that time but it was worth it. While Aizawa went to sign papers or something, Izuku wanted to talk.
I: Izuku B: Bakugou

I: "Kacchan.... Can I ask you something?"
B: "What?"
I: "I know that you don't want to talk about it until I get better but..... K-kacchan...... W-what are we?"
B: "Deku... I....
I: "Please I need to know. I don't  wanna procrastinate anymore."
B: "What do you want us to be?"
I: "It doesn't  depend on me alone. Though dating would be nice. What do you want?"
B: "I don't  know Mr boyfriend~ what do you want?"

Izuku's cheeks were now as red as Kirishima's hair. He was unable to give a response due to the way he was flustered. He was also happy that his crush agreed to date him. For goodness sake he had a boyfriend now. They agreed to keep their relationship a secret until they were ready to come out. "I can't do this anymore." Bakugou said. "Do what Kacc -" He was cut of as Bakugou's surprisingly soft lips made contact with Izuku's. When Bakugou pulled away he heard Izuku whimper. "Don't s-stop." Izuku was actually wanting to continue. This was a whole other side of him that Bakugou had never seen. Without any hesitation Bakugou continued this time slightly biting Izuku's lips asking for entrance. Izuku gasped at this gesture allowing Bakugou to slip his tongue in. They fought for dominance which Bakugou obviously won and began exploring Izuku's mouth leaving no part untouched. They broke away for air both of them panting. They stared into each others eyes and leaned down to continue. "Okay that's enough." A voice said just as their lips made contact. They both jumped and turned to look at the source of the voice. It was Aizawa who had come in with a nurse. Deku's faced flushed all shades of red and Bakugou looked away in order to avoid anyone seeing him blushing.

Izuku Pov

The nurse said that I could go home as long as I don't use my quirk or do anything high stress for a while. I was happy because staying in the hospital wasn't the most fun thing to do. Kacchan took my hand and put it over his shoulder and put his other arm around my waist. He was helping me walk seeing as I wasn't  able to keep my balance. We went outside to see Present Mic waiting there for us with a car in order to drive us back to school. It was a half hour drive from school. Kacchan knows I get car sick easily. We both sat in the back while Aizawa and Present Mic were at the front. We started the journey and about five minutes later I felt my stomach churn. "Are you okay Izu?" Kacchan asked. I nodded afraid that if I open my mouth more than words would come out. I put a protective arm around my stomach. "Tell me if you're going to be sick." He said as he stretched his arm out and began to rub circles on on my stomach. That helped and I was sure that I was going to make it to school without throwing up. However fate had other plans for me. Present Mic took on a sharp corner making the car swerve in a way that made my stomach do a flip. I put my hand over my mouth as I felt the bile rising in my throat. "Oi sensei pull over!" Kacchan yelled loudly but not enough to hurt my ears. He then undid his seatbelt then undid mine. He started rubbing my back in circles as I gagged repeatedly trying my best to wait until we pull over. After a long and agonizing minute we stopped somewhere, I opened the door and ran outside with Kacchan following me. I hunched over and threw up whatever I had left in me which wasn't much. "Sssshhh you're okay. Calm down. I'm here."

Bakugou Pov

Today has been a long day. Starting with yesterday morning where Izu passed out and I had a panic attack. I hated being vulnerable in front of others and I completely lost it yesterday. We went to the hospital and stuff. I didn't get much sleep last night but on the bright side I came out of there with a boyfriend. Speaking of boyfriends, mine was currently throwing up on the side of the road. I rubbed circles on his back to try and calm him and it kind of worked. He started to sob after he was done. I felt my heart melt when I saw him cry. What has this boy done to me? I hugged him and he started to apologize for delaying us or something like that. I told him that it wasn't his fault and we got back in the car seeing as we were halfway there. "Tell me if you feel sick, okay?" He nodded as he closed his eyes and took deep breaths. I cuddled up to him and started to rub his stomach. Soon I heard soft snores coming from him and he was asleep. I let myself drift off too because I was tired.

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