Chapter 4

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Opal's POV

Tamara and I just got to the cafe that is currently closed, we stood out the front in our nice dresses. It was weird because some people walked past looking at us like we were crazy but not even 5 minutes later 2 cars pulled up.

 Alex gets out of one and Antonio gets out of another, I give Tamara one last hug which she gave back before she was escorted to one of the cars by Alex. I turned to Antonio who gave me a beautiful smile before he showed me my way to the car, 

he opened the door for me which I quietly thanked him all of sudden becoming shy. He walked around to the other side of the car before getting in and nodding to the driver before we were finally off to god knows where 

"where are going tonight" I ask looking at Antonio who looks right back at me 

"it's a surprise kitten" is all he says before giving me a wink and turning to look out the window, I blush but look out my window laying my head on the window and allowing myself to watch the beautiful scenery whiz past.

~At the restaurant~

Antonio's POV

We finally pull up to the restaurant after about 15 minutes of being in the car, I look over at my queen who is leaning against the window, staring at the beautiful scenery, I take this time to finally look at my queen properly, her beautiful brown was thrown up into a messy yet gorgeous bun, 

she is wearing a dress that hugs her curves, I suppressed a groan as she looked beautiful in the dress. 

After a couple of minutes of looking at my curious beauty, I finally reach over and kiss her forehead snapping her out of her little daydreams.

"Come baby we are here," I extend my hand waiting for her to take my hand, she shyly takes my hand.

She looks around at her surroundings once more before looking into my eyes. I smile softly at her as flushes a beautiful shade of red just realising how close we were.

 I smirk before kissing her forehead and getting out of the car. I walk over to her side of the car and I open her car door before extending my hand for her to take it,

 she hesitantly takes my hand and steps out of the car. I put my arm around her waist before leading her into the restaurant where a waitress was fixing her dress, pushing her breasts up more as we walk closer.

"why is it empty I thought this was a popular restaurant" I hear my baby's soft angelic voice say 

"I rented it out for us tonight so we can have our alone time and I thought you would like to not have all the attention of us," I say looking down at her,

 Even in heels she is way shorter than me I am 6ft 5 without shoes and she is 5ft 6 with heels, I love her height though it's adorable.

Opal's POV

I gasp quietly, he rented out this whole restaurant for ME, wow honestly I am very flattered, even at the thought my face flushes.

"you didn't have to do that Antonio it would have been expensive," I say looking up at him, he laughs softly 

"oh, Kitten you have to learn that no matter how expensive I will always spoil you, my girl," he says before looking at the waitress in front of us that I only just noticed was there now. 

"Hello Mister Romano, Table for one again," she says in I think an attempt at a seductive voice, also hello, I am right here you bitch, I look down at my heels shyly. My face flushes even more out of embarrassment 

"No, I am here with my date so please show us a table for two please," Antonio says while pulling me closer to his side. 

The bitch oops I mean waitress looks like she just got stabbed but pulls a fake smile and nods before leading us to a two-seater table near the back that has a nice view of New York City. I look out the window mesmerized by the beautiful view as we sit down,

I look over at Antonio finally, only to find out he is already looking at me. I blush and look down as another waitress comes over and pulls down her blouse slightly but Antonio only stares at me I look back up at the waitress. 

"Hello and welcome I am Cassy and I will be your waitress tonight," she says but then faces Antonio "what can I get you handsome," she says seductively. 

I look down at the menu feeling insecure I could never be as pretty as these girls I think as I read over the menu. 

"My kitten will order first, kitten what would you like," Antonio says while looking over at me, 

I smile before speaking "can I please have the steak with mash potatoes and a side of chips please" I say while looking up from the menu. 

The waitress stands there in shock before giving me a bitchy and disgusted face 

"wouldn't you like a salad hun I mean he won't stick around for long if you keep eating like that," she says smirking at the end, 

I feel my eyes slightly widen and start to water before I can look down and re-order a deep and scary voice boom through the restaurant 


An older looking man comes running out from the back before speaking in a scared and fearful voice "is something wrong, Mister Romano" 

"yes I want this girl fired because she disrespected my girl," Antonio says while shooting daggers at the waitress, then the man who is suspect is the manager nods before turning towards the waitress who looks like she is gonna pass out at any second. 

"Cassy your fired effective immediately, I will send you your check tomorrow," the manager says before dragging 'Cassy' away. 

Antonio smiles before looking back over at me his smile drops slightly at the sight of my teary eyes 

"what's wrong baby," he says while holding my hand that was on the table. 

"Oh no it's just that I can't believe you did that for me," I say smiling at him. He sighs before bringing my hand to his lips

 "I would do anything for you, baby, I would drop to my knees in a second for you and only you," he says before kissing my hand sweetly, Oh my fucking god this guy is gonna be the death of me.

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