Chapter 15

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~Opal's POV~

~The next day~ 

~In the kitchen~

I woke up this morning with a pounding headache so I got out of Antonio's viper grip and walked slowly down to the kitchen searching for any pain medicine. 

As I was searching the bottom cupboards i heard a slight cough i spin around and am faced with 3 of the guys in Antonio's mafia they give me a slight smile before speaking up.

"Good morning Dona i am Paul" one of the men speak up, Paul had light brown hair that was slightly curled he also had stunning green eyes he was quite built but a bit more on the lanky side 

"This is Andrew" he says pointing to the guy on his left who was covered in piercings and had blonde hair that was in a buzz cut he was short but built 

"and this is Mike," he says pointing to the guy on his right Mike was on the tall and buff side not as buff as Antonio but he was still quite buff and he had silver hair and a beard with a couple tattoos poking through his t shirt.

"Oh hello its nice to meet you guys by any chance do you know where are pain medicine is because of pounding headache" i say while rubbing my my temples trying to ease the pounding in my head, the three guys instantly start looking around the room trying to find my medicine.

"Here you are Dona i hope the headache subsides and you feel better" Andrew says while handing me a small white pill bottle before him and the guys bow and start to head out until i call out for them, they stop and instantly stop and turn to me.

"Please call me Opal and don't bow I am not that important," I say while waving my hand in a dismissive way and sending them a quick smile, they smile before nodding shortly before they finally stalk out of the kitchen, i turn around and fill a glass of water before taking the pill down in one big gulp.

I make my way back up to our bedroom hoping just to crawl back into bed and sleep of this headache cos honestly i just wanna sleep, as i walk up the steps i start slightly humming it's you by Ali Gatie the tune is really catchy and its just a good song to vibe to, i turn into our bedroom before slipping myself back into Antonio's arms which instantly tighten around me.

I was about to doze off when all of a sudden Antonio starts wiggling around and starts streching great now he is awake he and is gonna wake me up i say in my head while still trying to fall asleep, i feel sleepy kisses go up my neck and let out a low moan before i open my eyes only to be meet with Antonio's dark green eyes he chuckles at the blush fighting its way up onto my cheeks.

"Good morning my princess how did you sleep" Antonio says while pressing a kiss to my nose i make a somewhat groan and shut my eyes once more before snuggling myself into Antonio's bare chest he chuckles once more before whispering about five more minutes back before i can ask what he means i am already deep asleep.

~1 hour later~

 I wake up in the same position that i feel asleep in with no headache at all now , i look over at the clock hanging on the wall and see its around 10 in the morning, i snuggle into Antonio some more before thinking about what happened last night i mean nearly all of his family likes me except his sister who i did nothing to she just hates me for no reason.

I sigh just thinking about is making my headache come back i start to absent mindedly start tracing Antonio's tattoos not wanting to wake him up just yet he just looks so calm and peaceful and quite beautiful gosh i got lucky with him.

As i was about to wake him up softly the door to our room is slammed open and there standing at the doorway is Noah and one of the twins Sam, i lightly laugh at the face after noticing what position we are in.

"BOSS WAKE UP YOU LAZY TESTA DI CAZZO "I wince at the volume of Sam's voice since i am still half asleep my self, Sam shots me an apologetic smile before we hear Antonio groan all of our heads snap towards Antonio who is stretching but still holding myself flush against his chest.


"Shut up Sam before ti ho sparato nel cazzo, " Antonio says in his groggy morning voice which is a literal orgasm as a voice, i kiss Antonio on the cheek before attempting to get up to have breakfast but Antonio's grip tightens and he starts laying kisses on my neck before whispering " no stay neonata I wanna cuddle" i giggle but nod before cuddling into him again our moment gets interrupted by Noah coughing.

(i shot you in the dick)(Babygirl)

Antonio sends him the scariest glare before he starts speaking "I am sorry to ruin the moment boss but you have a meeting at 12 with the Mexican Mafia to discuss and treaty and peace between our mafias so we can take down the Russians" 

I look at Antonio who just groans obviously not wanting to go "yeah ok i will be out at 12 get me my black BMW and Roberto to drive me and Opal to my office building" he says while kissing my head and sighing when he feels me kiss his chest lightly.

I look up at his confused " wait I am going" i say while sitting up quietly 

"Yes because you are the Dona you will come business meetings but don't worry you won't have to talk ok" Antonio says while also sitting up and tucking a piece of hair behind my ear all i do is nod getting nervous about this meeting all of a sudden.

Antonio tells Noah a couple more details before him and Sam make there leave, by the time they are gone i getting dressed into some kind of fancy clothes, oh boy lets see how this goes.

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