Chapter 11

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~Antonio's POV~

~A couple of days till the party~

Two days ago we planned the party where we will be introducing Opal to the Mafia and then when we get married she will be crowned Dona of all of the Italian mafias. If we get married that is.

Lately, she has been acting very weird and closed and won't spend more than ten minutes with me and it's stressful knowing my baby is hiding something from me.

I am currently at my office in the city,  going through some reports on some gun shipments that were meant to be coming in today but for some reason has been delayed, I run my hand through my already dishevelled hair that I have run my hand through at least hundreds of times because all I can think about is Opal.

As I am sitting there staring at the papers in front of me but not reading them or paying any attention to them my office door gets slammed open by Lorenzo and Noah who looked very much panicked and worried. Before I can get a word out that start yelling sentences that I am just not understanding.

"Ok ok ok SHUT UP PLEASE YOU'RE GIVING ME A HEADACHE" I yell rubbing my forehead which luckily shuts them up "now please one at a time and slower before I punch you both," growl not in the mood for this probably pointless shit.

"Well we just got word from one of the mafias in Rome that apparently, the Russian mafia is going to declare war for they have to avenge their queen," Lorenzo says calmly but if you look close enough you can see he is silently freaking out.

A couple of years ago the Russian and Italian mafia got into this huge war, a lot of people died but when my father was trying to shoot the Russian leader his wife, their queen, jumped in the way. The bullet hit right into her heart killing her instantly. Ever since then the mafia was taken over by their sun only a couple of years older than me, they have been trying to get revenge.

"They have been sending that empty threat for years but if they do make any movement make sure our guys are on high alert got it," My voice is low and commanding as I say this to my two most trusted men.

 I have known these two since we were little and have grown up together so I know they have my back like I have there's.

"Also there is a rumour spreading around the Russian mafia that you found your future wife and that will be what the attack the most since as everyone knows the king's weakness is the queen," Noah says while holding his breath knowing I was going to be furious to find out that my girl is in danger.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THEY KNOW BARLEY ANYONE KNOWS" I yell letting my anger seep into my voice to show them that I am truly pissed that my Opal is in danger and that we could have a war on our hands, no king wants to hear that their queen is in danger.

After talking about the matter for a bit longer we decide that it is about dinner time so we should go home and have dinner, Opal has been eating her meals in our room since she doesn't want to be seen by any of my men. She barely comes out of our room and it's starting to worry me I mean even when I try and cuddle her I always wake up with her on the other side of the bed. I am going to go home and get to the bottom of what is troubling my queen even if it kills me.

~At home~

As I march through the front door making a B-line for our room I ignore the strange glances I get from my men and pay no attention to anyone. Once I open our bedroom door I see Opal cuddled up watching The Umbrella Academy she has been obsessed with the show lately and spends most of her time watching the show.

"OK, I need you to tell me what is wrong in this instance cause it is getting annoying with you ignoring me and all that shit so no avoiding the conversation so please tell me what's wrong," by the end of the whole speech I am on my knees in front of her practically begging her to tell me.

"I am afraid that if I tell you won't want me anymore," she whispers with tears going down her beautiful face, I quickly brush them away and shake my head.

"Nothing and I mean nothing could take me away from you sweetheart now please explain" 

"Ok if I explain you promise not to but in even how mad you are" I nod my head encouraging her to continue "ok well it started when I was about thirteen and it was a normal night like any other but after a while, three people broke in and tied me, my grandparents and my parents to chairs while going around the home yelling and stealing stuff they went on to yell stuff at my dad saying stuff like where's our money, they killed my parents and grandparents in front of me and before the killed me police sirens were heard so they quickly left into the night never to be found again" she whispers now full-on sobbing 

She moves her hair to the side to show a scar in the shape of an upside-down cross behind her ear 

"they gave that to me so that when they found me they could tell it was me and kill me, after that, I didn't talk to my five brothers and bounced from home to home because of abuse. I once got adopted by this older man called Mike Sanders that would whip me, starve me and cut me. Only to kick me and punch me even more. One night he tried to s-s-sexually assault me multiple times but luckily I escaped a virgin and still am after Tamara found out when we turned eighteen and escaped our hometown and moved here to New York," she says finally finishing her horrible life story by the end she is sobbing into my chest and I am silently crying.

My poor princess had to go through so much but that just shows how strong she really is and how much she has been thrown and all the scars are showing her past they are warrior scars. 

"I get if you are disgusted by me or..." my lips smash against hers in a passionate and romantic kiss shutting up that sentence real quick.

 Our lips mould and fit together perfectly like they were made for each other, she tastes of mint and coconut, her lips are sweet and addicting, she is slowly becoming my drug.

"No I am not disgusted by your past, I am angry that happened to you and I swear on my life I will kill and punish everyone last person who hurt you and honestly your past only makes you stronger in my eyes," I say once we pulled back from that breathtaking kiss.

"You not disgusted" she whispers still scared of rejection

"No god no how can I be in front of my right now I see a brave and beautiful girl who has taken my heart and soul and with all honestly I don't want them back you can keep them, your past doesn't disgust me if anything it makes me like you more, cause I am yours and you are mine" I whisper back to her pecking her lips again.

"yours forever" she whispers back before capturing my lips into a mind-blowing kiss again.

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