Chapter 5

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~Opal's POV~

~at the restaurant~

The date has been going amazing. He is so sweet and surprisingly it's easy to have a conversation with him which is weird because usually, I am very awkward when it comes to talking. 

I can't make conversation for shit but it was like we have known each other for years. As we are eating out food that came not that long ago and a new waiter comes up to the table with two glasses full of red wine 

"Here is your wine sir," He says while placing them in front of both of us and leaving.

"So kitten I want to talk to you about my job" Antonio says while taking a sip from his wine, how can a man be so hot while drinking wine. 

 "yes what about it" I couldn't help but stare into his eyes while he talks.

"Well I want to make sure that you are fully accepting and ok with me being a mafia leader," He says while putting down his wine, I take a sip of my wine it tasted slightly weird but i thought nothing of it "I would never want to make you uncomfortable,"

"yes I am fine with it as long as I am not brought into it, but what does it mean by me dating you" I slightly lean forward, my head feeling heavy. 

"well there will be a ceremony for you coming into the mafia, no you won't have to do any work but to the gang members you will be like another higher figure to them". 

I nod before suddenly feeling my head start to pound, my hand comes up to rub at my temples.

"Antonio i feel really..dizzy.-" I say before i finally let my eyelids close and darkness consume me.

Antonio's POV

My baby nods before she looks slightly dizzy. 

"Antonio i feel real..dizzy-" she says in a quiet voice before finally passing out, i freak out and jump out of my chair texting Noah to get his ugly ass in here. 

Noah comes running while looking at Opal who is passed out cold "what the fuck happened" he says panicking 

"I don't know one minute we're talking, everything seemed fine and she takes a sip from her wine...." realisation dawns on me. 

I pick up the glass of wine and smell it, as I thought it smells like a drug we use to knock out suspects,  

"I am taking her back to the house to get checked and I want every staff member in the hole to be questioned, start without me I will be taking care of Opal also text Alex what happened and see when they can get back home," I say slightly yelling at some points. My heart was beating like crazy

I am freaking out. I mean someone is trying to hurt my girl while on my watch and they also did it right in front of me. Noah goes around barking orders while i see George my personal driver pull, i pick up opal loving the feeling of her body against mine but i run to the car and getting us in opal still in my lap 

"Quick get home as quick as you can and i need you to call Doctor Martin as well" i say as i am texting my guys to get my room ready 

"Yes sir right away sir" George says while we drive out of the parking lot.

~At Antonio/Gang house~

As we pull up to the house I see Doc's car in the driveway, I walk up to my room where Doc was waiting with Lorenzo and Mattia, I lightly set opal on the bed making sure she is comfortable before turning to Doc.

"So someone spiked her drink, I want to make sure everything is fine and I need you two to go help Noah with asking questions to the staff members," my voice is blunt as I speak, my hand finding Opals small hand bringing it into mine. The boys nod before leaving and i let doc get to work.

~15 minutes later~

"Everything looks fine and the drug should wear off in a couple hours but make sure when she wakes up she drinks lots of water because she will be dehydrated," Doc says while packing up his stuff, making his way out the door 

"thank you Doc take care," I say while shaking his hand and letting him leave, I sit down next to the bed and take Opals hand in mine since again. 

Now it's just a waiting game for my beautiful princess to wake up so I can see her beautiful blue eyes again.

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