Chapter 6

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~Antonio's POV~

2 hours have passed since she went unconscious. I have been by her side since she she got here and I don't plan on leaving her side till she wakes up. As I was looking at my phone and texting Noah I felt my baby stir next to me.

I put down my phone and look to my left to see Opal slowly opening her beautiful blue eyes again, I squeeze her hand trying to encourage her to wake up fully and finally she does, I help her sit up.

"There you are kitten you had me worried for a second," I say while looking at her adorable tired face

"Sorry for ruining our date Antonio," she says in a hoarse voice, I quickly shake my head while giving her the cup of water one of my men came in a delivered.

"No kitten it wasn't your fault some stronzo, drugged your drink, I swear when I get my hands on him I swear sarà morto," I say slightly breaking into Italian, I do that sometimes when I am mad. 

(Asshole) (He will be dead) I used google translate so be kind lmao)

"Oh ok , well I am still sorry I hope we can go on a date again, to redo things you, know," she says quietly looking down at her hands that where laying on her lap.

I take her little hands into my huge ones and slightly grazes her knuckles with my thumb, I slightly look into her blue eyes gosh she is to pretty.

"I would love to go on another date with you and I would love to go on a million more because you know what my baby you are mine and I am yours" I say while staring at her softly.

~Opal's POV~

"I would love to go on another date with you and i would love to go on a million more because you know what my queen you are mine and i am yours" he says staring at me softly.

I swear I am falling hard and fast for this man, I know he is a dangerous man and he runs the most powerful mafia currently in the world. I want to dive headfirst into the deep end, I really want to but my past is keeping me back.

I smile at him before sighing "are you sure you want me I am broken I am damaged goods, I want to trust you I want to let you in but I am scared" I say sadly looking down at our hands before taking my hand away from his.

"Hey hey I don't care if it takes years for you to trust me I want you Opal and only you Opal, I want to love you, show you a good life and when your ready you can tell me about you past but right now I want to make you happy and only you" he says while gripping my chin lightly and tilting my head upwards. 

I blush at how he is looking into my eyes so deeply, I could get lost in his green eyes they are so dark and mysterious it's like a forest in there. 

Our heads get closer and closer, our lips finally meet. I sigh in bliss as we move in sync, an almost secret dance we do, finally we pull back panting slightly, my god that was the best first kiss ever,

While me and Antonio where looking into each others eyes we didn't even notice that three boys where at the door smirking at us, I quickly noticed out the corner of my eye and jumped backwards.

"Well look at this boss lady and boss are getting quite close I see, sorry for interrupting whatever this was but I need to talk to boss" one of the boys say while letting his smirk grow. I look away a embarrassingly red blush overtakes my face. 

Antonio nods and quickly kisses my head before leaving with one of the boys while the other two boys who I just realised must be twins are just standing there and looking or more like staring at me.

"Oh sorry for taking away your man from you but I am Sam the hotter one and this is my dumbass twin Michael" Sam says while coming up to the bed I am still in and seating a chair next to it his twin following soon after. I see Michael punch sams arm before looking back at me.

"Oh sorry I am Opal nice to meet you too," I say while looking between the two boys

The way you can tell the difference is that Sam has tattoos on his left arm while Michael doesn't seem to have any 

"um, may I ask how long I have been out for," I say while realising I have no clue what time it is?

"You have been out for 2 hours and let me just say Boss must really like you cause he did not leave your side at all" Michael says while chuckling at the end slightly.

I blush oh my gosh he must really like me I mean waiting and sitting here for 2 hours for someone to wake up is a lot of time and I am sure he was busy with way more important stuff the me.....

My thoughts where cut of by the bedroom door opening Antonio and the other guy comes in. Antonio looks at the state I am in with a deep blush on my face with Sam and Michael sitting in front of me.

"What is going on in here you cretinis, " Antonio says getting somewhat angry.


"Oh nothing boss just introducing our selves to boss lady" Sam says smiling at Antonio, Antonio's brow quirks up before he starts stalking towards the bed, Sam and Michael stand up and move away from the bed.

"Fine whatever you say stronzos," Antonio says sitting down and grabbing my hand again. "Kitten this is Noah by the way my right hand man and those idiots who you have already met are the twins" I nod.


"Can I ask a question?" I say, Antonio nods "why do you guys call me boss lady" 

"We call you boss lady cause you are the bosses lady," Noah says while sending me a quick smile. Explaining it like it's the most common thing.

"Wait how many guys live here" I say looking between all the guys 

"Only about six guys so it's nothing to worry about baby," Antonio says while kissing my knuckles.

Oh my gosh what have I gotten myself into I think while slightly panicking on the inside god I wonder what Tamara would say about this wait where is Tamara.

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