Chapter 14

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~Opal's POV~

Why the actual fuck is Bethany here I thought. I didn't want her here and neither did the other guys what changed.

 I stared at Bethany with disbelief clear in my eyes and also somewhat jealousy because the dress that she was wearing looked amazing on her perfect body, it was a maroon dress that reached the floor with a slit up to her mid thigh.

"What the hell why are you here" I say after some silence and i actually found my voice for once i am standing up for myself. I watch closely as Bethany makes her way over to where Oliver and i were sitting and talking.

"Because I invited her" a new voice breaks out from the doorway, I whip around only to find jade standing there with a smug look on her lips and her arms folded against her chest, jade sends me a glare before she goes and takes her place next to Bethany.

"I thought why not invite the one who won't use my brother for money and fame and actually love him i mean they do have history and she comes from a rich family while you are just a pathetic waitress" Jade says while sending daggers to me and then shooting Antonio a sickly sweet smile who i forgot was behind me.

"Jade stop this you know nothing about the situation and i am not fond at all of this disgusting behaviour because you are disrespecting not only Opal but the family name" Antonio says in a low deep voice, i can tell its about to get serious so i quietly whisper Oliver to go back to his parents, but not before sending me a small smile.

"Ok this has gone of for far to long" i say as i finally find my voice in this situation "Bethany i know you and Antonio had sex in the past but you have to learn that you were and are a fling nothing more, i am sorry that upsets you but you have to accept that"

"Oh shut it you slut i mean look at you who would want your ugly poor ass i mean..." Bethany was quickly cut off by a dark booming voice that ripped through the room

"you better watch that whore of a mouth of your Bethany i warning you, look i had sex with you and i regret it, i meet Opal and i feel in love with, you and to be honest you weren't even that good so you can't really say anything" Antonio says chuckling at the end slightly while he comes up behind me and pulls me into his chest by my waist.

"Your lying I know you brother I mean come on you can't actually convince me that you are happy with this low life," Jade says while getting irritated. 

"Jade that is enough i have had enough i raised you better then this, It is Antonio's life not yours if he wants Opal then he can have Opal at the moment i am very disappointed in you we are going home" Mr Ramano's voice breaks threw the room sending shivers down my spine at the tone of his voice and not the good shivers.

Jade whines but with one glare from her father she is sure to shut up and walk out to the car that must be waiting for them, we sit in silence before Bethany abruptly flips her hair and struts out of the room like she owns the place.

"I am so sorry for the way my daughter behaved we thought we taught her better but obviously not, we will come visit you later i think its best we all collect ourselves goodbye my loves i will see you later" Mrs Ramano's says before giving both me and Antonio a hug before going out the front door.

I feel as though once everyone is gone a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, i take a deep breathe before i slightly collapse onto the kitchen counter, Antonio comes rushing over to me and picking me up, i hear him call my name a couple times before all i see is darkness.

~Antonio's POV~

As soon as it is just me and my kitten in the kitchen i hear her take a deep breathe before i hear here thud onto the ground, i rush over to her full on panic mode i call her name out to her before i see her close her eyes on me and i hear her breathing even out which means she is out. I rush up the stairs to our bedroom and lightly place her down onto the bed before getting a damp cloth and placing it on her head before rushing down into the ballroom.

"Party's over get out!" I yell over the loud noise in the room

 As i am making my way up the stairs to check on Opal Noah, and the twins come running to my side, we walk in silence until we reach the door to my bedroom.

"Ok i can tell you wanna ask something so please spit it out one at a time" i say while turning to the three guys.

"What happened" all three of them but yelled i send them all a glare for yelling before quietly opening the door to check that my beautiful is still sleeping and luckily she is i shut the door before turning to the guys before explaining what happened in the kitchen.

After i finished explaining what happened the first person to speak up was Sam "i am sorry but like the second i meet jade she was a bitch to all of us" all the guys nod in agreement.

I slightly shake my head before sending them off to go look for Bethany while I walk into my bedroom and strip down from the suit and then realise that Opals is still in her dress, I slip her out of her dress while making sure not to look before finally getting into bed with my loved one and falling into a dream full slumber.

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