Chapter 26

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~Opal's POV~

There at the end of the aisle is Tamara she has her hand up and I only just noticed that Noah, the twins, Lorenzo, Leo and Antonio. He came, and before I can register what's happening I am pulled onto a metal chair and is roughly tied it, My kidnapper smirks at me before leaning down to my ear.

"Well honey I am going to tie you to this chair and make you watch as I kill Antonio sounds like the fun right" He then stands up straight and turns around, I look around him to see that some people have evacuated, it's a standoff.

"VICTOR GIVE ME BACK OPAL NOW" Antonio screams with a deep voice, so his name is Victor, oh well now I know. I look around me noticing that I am behind all his men and Victor himself, they a guarding me so that they can't take me. I look around for a way to escape.

"I THINK NOT I QUITE LIKE HER" Victor yells back in an equally deep voice but not as scary as Antonio's, Antonio takes a step forward and in a flash, all his men are running at Victor there guns and weapons held high, war has begun.

~Antonio's POV~

There she was my love tied to a chair in a wedding dress all battered and bruised, I feel the anger build up in me even more, as I take a step forward all my men run past me, they are all firing and hitting each other, I send a nod to Noah as he runs to one of victors men.

All that is left is me and Victor, I walk towards him as he does the same to me, I smirk at him a flash of fear goes through his eyes before he is punching me in the stomach, I quickly grab his hand and start to punch at his face.

I am quickly pulled off him by one of his guys, Victor gets up and runs like the pussy he is and leaves two of his guys to kick and punch my stomach, one pretty hard punch makes me winded and I am coughing for air. 

I am dropped onto the floor violently and look up to see Alex ahs shoot both dead, I am still mad at Alex I mean she did betrays us but the second we started demanding where the church was she spilled pretty quickly, and just cause she shot two guys doesn't mean she still isn't dead to me.

She offers her hand for me to get up but I shrug her off and see Hurt cloud her eyes, I treated this girl as my family and she betrays me, she, we will always be dead to me, I am never forgiving her. I look around the room to see all of my men standing, most of Victor's men are dead or badly injured, some of my men are injured so I let them leave to get fixed up.

My men and I make our way across the halls and as we notice that Victor and some of his bodyguards have taken Opal, we split up down different halls, with me is Noah, Sam, Lorenzo, Paul and two other guys called Mike and Cole.

We walk into a dark room that smells heavily of blood, I look around the room and there in the middle is Victor with a tied up and blindfolded Opal who looks even worse than the last time I saw her, Victor smirks at me before putting a gun against her temple and turns off the safety.

I put out my hand signally for my men to stop, I look at him before sending him a harsh glare "what do you think you doing Victor" I say letting the lust for his blood on my hands drip into my voice. I look at him as he chuckles and then goes into a full fit of laughter like he heard the funniest joke ever.

My men look at me confused until he suddenly stands up straight and looks over at us with a dead straight face. I swear this bitch is bipolar "I want you to suffer but I guess you can drop your guns first" He says his voice is much lower and it has a deadly serious edge to it.

I look at my men and nod my head, we all drop our weapons and kick them to the side, I look around the room and see a couple of planks of wood and a lot of cobwebs. "now I will give you a choice, you can choose either or and whoever doesn't choose dies, the choices are Your dear Opal or your sister" 

As he finishes a light goes on and there is another seat is my sister also tied up and blindfolded, my mouth opens slightly, what I can't choose, ones my blood and even though she betrayed me she is still my sister and the other ones the love of my life. I look between the two trying to decide when Victor speaks up.

"And if you can't choose I will for you," he says and before I can even speak, one of Victor's men plunged a knife straight into Opal's chest, I quickly charge myself at the man and in one punch he is knocked out. Even though he is passed out cold I just keep punching and punching him until I am pulled off by Noah and Sam.

I look over at Paul and mike are holding Victor who is struggling to get out of their hold, I quickly pick up one of the pieces of wood and start bashing him over the head with it until you can no longer realise that it even a face anymore and he is surely dead. I smile in victory before I rush over to Opal.

I pick her up and hold her stomach, I am looking down and up so fast trying to get to the car as fast as possible "don't you fucking dare close your eyes kitten please" I say my voice breaking, I just got her back I can't lose her straight away. 

~A couple of Hours later~
~At the hospital~

Here I am sitting next to Opal who is lying peacefully on the bed, the surgery went successful so she will make a full recovery and I feel my eyes start to drop "I promise I will make it up to you Kitten" is all I whisper before I finally allow sleep to take over.


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