Chapter 22

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~Antonio's POV~

It's been only a couple of hours since Opal has been taken and right at this moment we can't get any leads which is pissing me the fuck off. I mean she could be dead somewhere in a ditch and my useless men can't even get a lead.

A knock sounded out in my office and cut my angry thoughts off, I huff out a come in before turning my attention back to all the possible places she could be.

"Boss I think we got something," Paul one of the men said, I practically jumped out of my seat for joy before looking up to meet Paul's emotionless face, he took that as a sign to tell me what they found.

"Well it seems your sister paid for two tickets to Russia and when we checked the security footage she seemed to be with Bethany" I was fuming by the end of that sentence, I quickly sent Paul of so I can be pissed by myself.

The second the door to my office shut I started throwing anything I could get my hands on, my own sister my own fucking blood is siding with the enemy, when dad finds out I don't think Jade will ever see the light of day again.

I was so caught up in my angry thoughts and throwing everything around that I didn't notice Sam and Noah enter my office. They both quickly ran to me and restrained my hands so that I couldn't destroy anything else.

"Boss you need to calm down we are getting the jet ready to fly us out to Russia don't worry she will be ok" Noah rushed out trying to get my anger at bay, obviously he was scared I would hurt me but that was the least of my worries at the moment.

"That fucking jet better be ready in 30 minutes and every single fucking one of my men should be ready to go capisci " I say letting my Italian slip through, I barely use Italian but when I do it's when I am fucking pissed.

(do you understand) 

The boys nod before carefully letting me go and leave my office to pack their bags, I take a couple of deep breathes to calm myself before I make my way up to my room. As I enter my room I see Opal's things still laying around.

I have been sleeping in the guest room because I only wanted to sleep in our bed with Opal in my arms, the thing that gave me hope was that her stuff was still here so I always thought that maybe she would come back.

As I am packing my stuff I see a picture frame with a picture of me and Opal on a date at the carnival that was only here for a number of days, it was one of the best days of my life all because she was there next to me.


Opal and I were walking into the carnival and instantly hit with the smell of fried food and sugar, I look over at Opal to see a beautiful smile on her already breathtaking face.

For the next couple of hours that smile never left as we played games and I won her prizes, I won her this teddy bear that she fell in love with.

The night was slowly coming to an end but I had one more trick up my sleeve to finish this already amazing date spectacular.

"Ok I need you to close your eyes ok kitten," I say while turning to face her, she nods quickly and enthusiastically before closing her eyes, I smile before kissing her lips gently before guiding her to the fair wheel.

I stop us both in front of it and lean down to my mouth is right next to her ear and I whisper for her to open her eyes, she opens her eyes, and the second she sees the feria wheel she lights up like a Christmas tree.

She excitedly pulls us to it and gets us seated, it starts to slowly turn and all the lights coming off the game and laying on her beautiful face with that beautiful smile made her look like an angel.

"You know I never got to go on one of these," she says breaking the comfortable silence that lay between us, I shoot her a look of disbelief. Although I was raised in the mafia I still got to have a good childhood.

"Yeah I always dreamed of being on one of these, they looked too fun and the view is what I always wanted to see," she says while staring out at the view, all you could see were the lights on one side and a beautiful beach on the other the sun was long gone.

"Yeah the view is beautiful," I say dreamily while looking at her, she turns to me and flashes a gorgeous shade of red before smiling brightly at me.

"Opal I love you," I say surprising her and myself, her mouth gapes open like she wants to say something and before I can try and take back what I said her soft voice breaks out again.

"I love you too Antonio," she says while staring deeply into my eyes, my face breaks out into a huge smile before I lean forward and kiss her lips in a passionate kiss.

She kisses back with as much passion and feeling as me and our lips move together in perfect harmony, I squeeze her thigh lightly making her open her mouth allowing my tongue to invade her mouth.

I pull away out of breath but I still have a huge smile on my face, god I am so in love with this woman, she flashes me a shy smile before I pull her onto my lap allowing her to cuddle into me as we finish the feria wheel.

Flashback over

That was one of the best days of my life, I smile slightly before running my thumb over the picture slightly, I then come back to reality and realise that I must be packed soon.

The second I finished packing I stomp downstairs to see all my men waiting, I smile a sadistic smile realising that I will have some fun, I am coming to my kitten just hold on a little longer.

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