chapter 13

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~Opal's POV~ 

As Antonio and I walk into the huge ballroom there are at least over 300 people in this room mostly men and some women who are now looking at me with glares of jealousy. 

"OK LISTEN UP EVERYONE" Antonio yells and in a couple of seconds every single pair of eyes are just on Antonio and me I and saying I was feeling anxious was an understatement

"This gorgeous woman right next to me is to be your next Dona, she is my love and the next Dona of this mafia and I want you to treat her with every bit of respect you can muster," Antonio says finishing sending me a look saying you time to speak. 

I shake my head with a shy smile making Antonio nod in understanding.

Out of nowhere the room erupts into hundreds of applause filling the room and some people are whistling for me. I look over to where the boys are and see them clapping and sending me thumbs up, I send them a quick smile before Antonio leads me to where his family is waiting to meet me.

Once we reach a circle table there sits an older couple a girl who looks a couple of years younger than Antonio and a younger boy, I send them all a smile I for the most get a smile except for the girl who just sends me a glare.

"Kitten this is my family, This is my mum Maria my dad Rafael my younger sister Jade and my younger brother Oliver," Antonio says while pointing to each member of his family, I give a small wave before his mother Maria speaks up.

"Oh honey your speech was amazing I can tell just by that you are fit to be Dona," she says while getting up and giving me a very tight hug

"Ok Bambina don't smother her" Mr Ramano speaks up 

"Shut it I am not smothering my future daughter-in-law says another thing, your sleeping on the couch," Mrs Ramano says in a threatening tone while pointing a finger at her husband

"It's ok Mr Ramano she isn't smothering me I am fine," I say while waving a hand dismissing the idea even though that was the tightest hug I have ever been in.

"Sweetheart just call us by our first names calling us Mr and Mrs makes me feel old," Rafael says while chuckling at the ending and sitting down again with his wife, my attention was diverted to Jade Antonio's little sister who is just sat there glaring at me and Oliver who is just staring at me with wide eyes.

"What is so special about this chick she is probably using you for your money and is just a slut" Jade said breaking the silence that suddenly dawned in us, my eyes widen at what she just said, do I really look like a slut oh my gosh does everyone think I am just using him for ...... my thoughts are cut off by Oliver speaking up.

"Actually I think she seems quite nice and on the bright side she is really pretty" I blush at his words before I hear Jade speak up again

"Well this whole thing could be fake she could just be using him for sex and to be honest she looks like a desperate slut" Jade says sending me a glare again

"Jade" Maria scolds her daughter 

"What mum you know it's the truth look at her" I finally feel tears spill down my face before I quickly excuse myself from the table and take off running for the kitchen ignoring all the calls of my name for me to come back.

~Antonio's POV~

I watch as Opal takes off running with tears falling down her beautiful face I yell after her trying to get her to come back, I spin around so quick angry that my own sister would say these things to my kitten I send jade the nastiest glare I can and before I start yelling Oliver runs after Opal to make sure she is ok.

"OH FUCKING DARE YOU HOW DARE YOU THAT IS YOUR FUTURE DONA AND YOU JUST SAID THE MEANEST THING TO HER, OPAL WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO ME NEVER CAUSE SHE ISN'T LIKE THAT HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" I yell at the top of my lungs my voice bouncing off the words, by now all my men are shooting dirty glares to my sister already being protective over their Dona.

"what are you serious she is obviously a slut using you open your fucking eyes brother," Jade says while standing and getting in my face

"If you disrespect my queen you are no sister of mine," I say before turning around to go find Opal and make sure she is ok, I will the rest of the scolding to my parents.

~Opal's POV~

As I sit in the kitchen with tears falling down my face my thoughts become to loud for my head all my bad thoughts are taking over my head and they won't shut up

You don't deserve him





attention-seeking whore


Before any more thoughts can take over my head a hear a soft voice break me out of my trance.

"Hey Opal are you ok" I look over to the doorway and see Oliver making his way over to the counter where I am sitting 

"Yeah I am ok," I say while wiping away the tears from my face

"I am sorry for what my sister said I for one really like you and can't wait for you to be my sister-in-law," Oliver says while sitting next to me and sending me a smile

"Thanks, Oliver I can't wait for you to be my brother-in-law you seem really cool" 

"Well I know that when any man in this mafia finds their women they know for a fact if they are right for them and I know that Antonio likes you a lot" I smile at Oliver and before I can respond I hear a high pitched voice

'Awwww look if it's not the slut who stole my man" Bethany says while coming out of nowhere 

"She didn't steal me cause I was never yours," Antonio says again coming out of nowhere and making his way towards me what the fuck is she doing here.

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