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the purple wall melted in front of me, curving and splattering purple spots across the dragon. the dragon barely flinched, continuing to drink his cup of tea from a teacup about the size of a thimble. i blinked, rubbing my eyes as a large whirlpool started to swirl around the grey concrete floor, sucking up a pile of school books and an armchair with it.

the ringing in my ear intensified, increasing in pitch and causing my ear to pop as if i was on an airplane rapidly landing. someone was shaking my shoulder vigorously, i could feel the heat of their hand against my bare skin, the fingers gripping my collar bone tightly. i looked up at lily, barely registering the tears rolling down my face as she started to melt in front of me, her face distorting. her eye rolled out of his socket and down her face, dragging down the rest of her skin on his cheek with it like a melting candle. 'elizabeth? el' i faintly registered her lips moving, but the voice didn't sound like it was coming from her. it felt as though i was listening to a record being played in a tunnel, the echo of my name bouncing towards me from every direction. 'drink this' the voice boomed, and i glanced down at the cup in front of me.

don't drink it. it's a trap.

i sniffed the cup cautiously, rising it up to my lips.

if you drink it you'll die, she's not your friend. she's trying to kill you.

i threw the cup across the room abruptly, watching it fly past the dragons head and smash against the wall, dropping to the floor. the liquid ran down the wall, stripping the paint as it went, revealing the stars on the other side of it. i staggered to my feet, gasping as the world jolted sideways suddenly. a hand reached out again, steadying me and i flinched away from the touch.

she's trying to hurt you.

intrusive thoughts, the drugs made them worse.

molly, if you were wondering. more commonly known as mdma or ecstasy. or in the scientific world methylenedioxy​methamphetamine. the effects of it includes altered sensations, increased energy levels and hallucinations. it releases three chemicals:
1) dopamine - produces increased energy levels in the brain.
2) norepinephrine - increases heart rate and blood pressure.
3) serotonin - the obvious one. causes emotional closeness, elevated mood and empathy.

sounds pretty good, but what you don't realise is the other side affects of it. when someone first offers you the little coloured pill, you're drawn in by the idea of happiness like no other, by the idea of the energy bursts and the crazy fun hallucinations. they don't tell you about the irritability, the impulsiveness or aggression, the depression, sleep problems, anxiety, memory problems, nausea, muscle cramping, teeth clenching, chills, loss of vision or the sweating. i know you get told it a lot, but drugs really aren't as fun as they seem.

'el, lets just get you to bed, you can sleep it off'. this was a different voice in the tunnel this time, emma. sweet, caring emma, who puts literally everyone and their mother before herself and literally once gave someone the clothes off her back because someone had been sick on theirs and they didn't want to look dirty for their parents coming. i could trust emma, she'd never let me down once in the eleven years we'd been friends. i reached for her hand that i had pulled away from, the idea of sleeping it off suddenly seeming very appealing. my mood was crashing, it had been for the past half hour now.

that's not emma.

i blinked hard, willing my eyes to focus. i couldn't make out her features, but it certainly seemed like emma. i could see the vague outline of her dark brown almost black hair, the single bright red streak lolling against her pale shoulder. i couldn't tell exactly what style of dress it was, but it was definitely a dress, and it seemed a similar colour to the one she'd been wearing when we'd left. if i looked hard enough, i could almost see her eyes, wide and green and unblinking, reflecting an expression of concern.

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