twenty four

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i grinned in satisfaction, feeling the relief as i finally released my focus. the bed had moved. only by an inch, but still, it was progress. it probably helped that i was pretty 'medicated', if what the man had told me was true. although i believed it was. it made sense, the only time i was able to use any of these powers was when i was high, and every time i was sober it felt like i was cut off from them. they'd also started during my worst ever relapse, which made me think the drugs had teased the powers out of me.

a knock on the door pulled me reluctantly away from my practice and i groaned. if it was emma or lily, why didn't they just let themselves in. i swung the door open, revealing draco standing there solemnly. 'draco' i squealed, wrapping him in a tight hug. he laughed, but only allowed himself to be distracted for a moment. he closed the door behind him, sitting down on my bed and looking at me expectantly. 'explain then' he said, avoiding my eyes. he could tell i was high, and it was obviously upsetting to him. seeing me on a saturday when we're both high was different to seeing me off my face on a midweek morning. 'shouldn't you be in school?' i asked, dodging the question. 'shouldn't you?'
'i have a free' i shrugged, sitting down on the bed beside him. 'i skipper got your explanation, but they're going to come looking for me soon so you better get on with it'.

i took the hint, but i lacked the way to explain it to him. instead i reached my hand out, flicking my wrist and watching as the book flew off lily's bedside table. draco watched, open mouthed. 'i've been able to do it for about two weeks now' i said finally, breaking the silence. i paused, thinking about what both the man and myrtle had called it. 'i think it's called spirit magic'.
'okay, i'm going to pretend like i know what your talking about. so, in theory, what can you do with spirit magic?' draco asked.
'i don't know much about it' i admitted 'i know from this man that you can visit dreams, like i did to you, and see auras, though i haven't figured that out yet. i discovered the telekinesis on my own'.
'a man. in your dreams'.
'i know' i said with a sigh 'i sound crazy'.
'yeah' draco smiled 'if i hadn't seen you in my dreams and watched you throw that book i would think you were completely losing the plot. although, i don't think hallucinations are too far fetched, since you appear to be high mid week'. i pulled a face at his disapproving attitude, leaning back on the bed. 'that's the thing. i can only use my powers when i'm under the influence. it strengthens them, and is probably what brought it out in the first place'.

he sighed in frustration, lying back on the bed beside me. 'does cedric know?' he asked, a note of curiosity in his voice. 'no. you're the only person i've told' i paused, realising this wasn't strictly true. 'well, you and the man from my dreams'.
'what's this man's name anyway' scoffed draco. his name. right. i'd gotten so used to calling him 'the man', or occasionally 'the smiling man', that i'd forgotten he must actually have a name. 'i don't know' i told him hesitantly 'i'll ask next time'. he rolled his eyes before closing them. i wondered if he was going to sleep, his breathing certainly seemed rhythmic enough.

he spoke suddenly, making me jump. 'i should probably go' he sat upright suddenly, and i blinked. 'but you just got here' i said limply. i hadn't exactly coped with the knowledge that my best friend was dead, for him to actually be alive was a dream come true. i wanted time to appreciate that. 'i was meant to go straight to first period when i got here so they could confirm i was back in school, i skipped to see you instead. they probably think i died in a tragic accident on the way here'. i sighed, but i knew he was right. they were probably freaking out right now, sending out messages to keep an eye out for car crashes that he could be involved in.

he stood up and i smiled at him gratefully. 'thank you for not thinking i'm crazy'.
he laughed 'well i never said that exactly. i just said that i didn't think you were crazy over this'.
'oi' i frowned, punching him lightly on the arm, but it was obvious he was joking. he wrapped me in a hug quickly before turning to leave. 'saturday?' i asked and he frowned for a moment, as if he was considering his answer. 'yeah' he said after a moment 'saturday'.

 addiction - draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now