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'you're doing it wrong' emma said crossly, snatching the potions book off lily and scrambling to fix the overflowing potion. lily grinned at me from across the table and i laughed, watching as emma grew more and more panicked. 'ems chill, it's not like we're being graded' i smiled, but she ignored me, pushing past me to get to the ingredients table. 'blithering idiots' she muttered, causing lily to snort in protest. 'it was elizabeth who put the frogs legs in, not me'.
'hey, don't be a grass' i protested. she shrugged, waiting until emma's back was turned and then dropping another pair of frogs legs in with a wink. emma was going to go absolutely mental.

the potion grew rapidly upwards, running over the edges and emma gasped, frantically attempting to fix it. 'the class is over miss ellis, perhaps potions is simply not for you' emma flushed bright red and snape curled his lip 'clean this up'.
'oops' lily reached over to help clean up and emma span around to face her furiously. 'oops? oops?'
'why are you so touchy emma, it was just a joke' lily shrugged. 'i know why she's so touchy' i smirked, wiggling my eyebrows. emma turned an even deeper red of shade, so unbelievably dark that i was concerned she was going to explode. i looked down the table to where pansy parkinson was sat, actively ignoring whatever blaise was saying to her and picking at her red nail polish instead. 'so that's the girl you like' lily said triumphantly.
'great' emma sighed 'thanks elizabeth'.
'what about you lizzie?' lily asked eagerly 'emma told me you left early with a boy last saturday, how'd it go?'.
'actually, i'm seeing him again this saturday' i announces sheepishly.

i'd thought of a million different excuses and ways to hide what i was doing this saturday, but there was no way i could go back to the dorm high. if i slept somewhere else i'd have to find somewhere to sleep, figure out a way to get there off my face and somehow make sure that nobody in that dorm told a soul so it couldn't get back to lily and emma. as much as i hated it, sleeping in malfoy's dorm and letting emma and lily think i had some kind of secret boyfriend was the easiest option. 'who is it?' lily nudged me. 'does it matter?' i replied sharply.
'it really does' emma butted in, actually looking up from the mess she was cleaning. 'it's a secret, for now, i'll tell you at some point'. lily sighed disappointedly, mumbling under her breath.

i looked back over to pansy, seeing draco was now day opposite her. he caught my eye and fought the urge to smirk, and i knew he'd heard every word. i still got the vibes that draco didn't actually like me, as a friend or anything really, but i was kind of a last resort. he'd made that clear on saturday, telling me several times that he'd asked all of his friends before he asked me. it wasn't that he wanted to do drugs with me, it was that he wanted to do drugs and i was the only one who would do it with him. he was using me, but i was using him too. a supply of free drugs wasn't something i was going to say no to.

in a weird way, i was quite glad he'd asked me to come again on saturday. it meant i had an excuse to not go to the sleepover emma and lily were planning. sleepovers were my idea of absolute hell, a dozen girls sat in a circle talking about their problems and eating popcorn. my problems would make them choke on their popcorn, and to be honest i wouldn't trust half the girls there with my full name and birth time anyway.

pro tip, your full name and birth time can be used to curse you. never give it to someone you don't trust. i learnt this the hard way. i once spent an entire two days vomiting up frogs. nasty.

i followed emma and lily down the corridor to the great hall, hanging back a bit from the conversation. they were talking about the party last week, and obviously i wasn't there. normally i'd be begging them for the gossip, wanting to know who kissed who or who slagged off their best friend when they were drunk, but i really couldn't bring myself to care this week. i was wondering more about this saturday. worrying over stupid things like what time i should go to his room, if i'd be meeting him there or somewhere else and if it would be seriously uncool to owl him and ask.

i didn't really like draco malfoy, but i didn't want him to think i was uncool. for some reason i had a desperate urge for him to like me, which was something i'd never really felt before. i had lived my entire life without caring what anyone thought of me, so i'm not sure why i'd started to care now.

'hey guys? i'm not really hungry, i'm gonna go study for my divinations test in the library'. emma raised her eyebrows but said nothing, it wasn't like me to study or skip a meal, but she couldn't come with me to see what i was doing. she had to eat lunch with lily, to make sure lily actually did eat. for once i wasn't up to anything, i just didn't want to listen to her and lily gush over how good the quidditch team looked at the party last saturday. i knew she was probably worrying that i was going somewhere to snort half a bag though. i felt sorry for emma a lot of the time, it was more like she was mine and lily's babysitter than our friend.

i flopped down in an armchair at the back of the library, flipping open my divinations textbook. i didn't actually have a test, but maybe it wouldn't hurt me for once to do some actual work. who even was i? optionally doing work was not the kind of thing i'd ever even thought about. like ever.

i was saved from ruining my reputation as the worlds least enthusiastic student though, because cedric diggory flung himself on the armchair next to me and snatched the book out my hand. 'divinations? gross'. i blinked at him in response. we had literally never spoke before. 'elizabeth isn't it?'.
'yeah'. he passed the book back to me and proceeded to stare at me, his brows creased in the middle. 'what?' i laughed, refusing to meet his eye. i guess lily and emma were right, he probably was checking me out in the great hall. he was definitely flirting with me now. 'you should wear your hair loose more' cedric said eventually, 'it suits you'. i bit my lip to try and suppress a smile, looking down at my lap. if cedric diggory thought my hair looked better down, i'd probably make an effort to have it down more.

i glanced up at him, taking in all of his features. it was weird that i'd never properly looked at him before, he was exactly my type. he wasn't part of my social group, which was probably why i'd never noticed him sooner. he was stupidly good looking, and he obviously knew it too. he caught me looking at him and smirked lazily, his eyes twinkling. 'got a date for the yule ball?'. was he seriously about to ask me? i forced myself to find my voice, mentally cursing myself for staring at him like a spazmoid the past few minutes. 'why, you interested?'. he laughed, throwing his head back. it was the kind of laugh that sounded genuine, the kind that made you glow with pride inside. 'might be, might not. haven't decided yet'. he stood up to leave, looking back over his shoulder 'you coming to the party on saturday?'. was he coming to the party on saturday? i'd never seen him at one of these parties before. i nodded, grinning. if cedric was going to this party, i definitely was. draco hadn't specifically told me a time to meet him on saturday, for all i know he might not have actually meant it. it wouldn't hurt to see cedric diggory for a while first.

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