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'you went on a date with cedric diggory?' draco asked in disbelief and i shushed him. i had barely walked in his room, but he'd already cornered me about it. it wasn't exactly common knowledge, but draco had a way of finding everything out. 'why?' i teased 'jealous?'. i knew that he wasn't, halloween was definitely just my withdrawal symptoms making me imagine things, but he was still fun to tease. 'no' he snarled, pausing for a minute. 'just didn't think he was your type' his tone was lighter this time, more curious than anything. 'why?' i demanded again.
'he's just very' draco put his hands together in prayer, pulling a face that suggested he was sucking a sour sweet 'and your very' he pulled a sultry face this time, putting his chin down and pouting, batting his eyelashes. 'cheek!' i protested 'you make it sound like i'm a whore'.
'not a whore' draco corrected 'but your a flirt, you can't deny it'.

he was right, i couldn't. some people probably would call me a whore too. i'd done my fair share of making out with strangers at parties over the years, sometimes resulting in more. 'i got the lines ready this time anyway' draco sniffed disapprovingly, but he didn't try to protest against it this time. 'i figures after a date with diggory you'd be pretty in need'. i clipped him across the head, snorting a couple of lines quickly and sitting up. i sat up a bit too quickly, because my head began to spin and draco quickly put his arm out to steady me.

'you good?' he asked, and the concern was written across his face. he wasn't a very compassionate person, but i figured not even malfoy's conscience could handle killing off a classmate. 'yeah' i said quickly 'i just sat up too quick, that's all'. he didn't look too convinced, but he didn't push it, turning back around to get his own fix. i leant against his bed, thinking about whqt moaning myrtle had said to me. 'we haven't had someone like you for over thirty years'. someone like me implied that someone else had once been able to do what i could. there was probably still people out there that could.

'what you thinking about?' draco asked and i shrugged dreamily, closing my eyes. 'life' i answered and i felt the weight of his head as he rested it on my shoulder. 'me too' he whispered. i laced my hand through his, thinking again about how shitty his life might be. nothing i'd thought was probably confirmed, but the bathroom was enough proof to me he hated his father. the malfoy family clearly wasn't as happy as it was made out to be. it was ironic, because out of everyone in this school, draco probably needed a friend more than anyone.

he sighed, and when i opened my eyes i seen that his were closed too. 'was your date with cedric good?' he asked quietly and i smiled, remembering 'yeah it was'.
'do you think you'll go on another one?'
'hopefully' i answered honestly 'i'd like to. he's nice'.
'yeah' draco said after a moment 'he is'.

i think i drifted off after that, because when i next opened my eyes the room was dark. draco's head was still on my shoulder, my head resting on top of his, and he was snoring quietly. 'draco' i whispered, shaking his shoulder. he opened his eyes blearily, taking in the fact we were on the floor. 'oh' he said after a moment, standing up to get into bed. 'can you walk me back to my room?' i asked. presumably, if it was the time i expected, we'd be in bed by now, having already fell asleep before the high wore off. i felt too sober to fall asleep next to draco now, too awkward. we might have been friends, but we weren't close enough where i could sleep comfortably without the aid of drugs. not like i was with emma or lily.

he looked disappointed for a moment, but soon corrected it. 'yeah, course'. we walked out of the door, and silently along the corridor. we reached the end and i felt a shiver up my spine, slipping my hand into draco's. it was weird, it wasn't like me to get scared. we reached my room and i opened the door quietly to not disturb before turning back to draco. the image of the smiling man i thought i'd once seen flashing through my head, the image of his eyes and wide mouthed smile glowing in my head. 'draco' i hesitated, biting my lip 'just be careful walking back, okay?'. he scoffed but nodded, turning and walking quickly down the corridor.

emma was in bed, breathing rhythmically but lily's bed was empty, the light from under the bathroom door giving away she was in there. she did this sometimes, waited until we were asleep before sneaking into the bathroom to be sick. me and emma figured it was a part of her eating disorder and tried to talk her out of it, but she obviously didn't listen. although, she hadn't done it for ages, and me and emma had been hopefully. i knocked softly on the door, before easing it open. lily was sat next to the toilet on the floor, tears streaming down her face. a flash of annoyance overtook her face before she got her features under control, the dream like oblivion of her normal resting face coming back. 'you okay?'.
'of course i am' she smiled 'never better'. i didn't persist further, figuring there was no point arguing. i fetched her a cup of water, tucking her back into bed and kissing her forehead, before retreating back to my own bed and curling up into a ball under the covers.

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