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chris watts
spirit magic

spirit magic is a rare branch of magic, chris watts being the first case seen at this school for hundreds of years. it is entirely possibly that there is a lot we don't know about spirit magic yet, but after extensive research and input from other sources, here is everything we know so far:

spirit users have a natural charm to them, charisma that many people could never achieve. they are able to take it a step further however, with compulsion. every wizard is able to use compulsion, although it is not widely known. each wizard has varying levels of compulsion ability, but spirit users are by far the strongest. through using compulsion they are able to manipulate others thoughts, which can be used to control their actions. compulsion can be used to order others to do things, such as 'walk over there', 'ask me what i want' or 'hug them'. the strongest of compulsion users are also able to block off certain parts of an individuals memory, allowing them to completely forget the events of a certain date or event. certain individuals are more susceptible to the effects of compulsion when used on them, usually those with a low will power, sense of identity or those who are 'weak minded'.

charmed objects
similar to compulsion, spirit users are able to charm an object with instructions that will affect the person that holds it. the most commonly seen charm is a love charm, which causes the two affected by the charmed object to be overcome with passion for each other. there are many kinds of charm, most are probably still undiscovered to us and will remain undiscovered for hundreds of years after.

auras is one of the easier elements of spirit to master, taking little knack or skill to develop once you know how. it is theorised that every wizard could read auras, but there is no known cases of this as of today. auras can reveal emotions, as well as whether or not the person in question is a spirit user. however, strong compulsion users are able to use compulsion to hide their aura from others.

possibly one of the hardest aspects of spirit to master. some spirit users will naturally have the strong ability to use telekinesis, and some spirit users will not have the ability to use it at all. the strength of telekinesis varies more on the user, rather than the level of seniority in the spirit user or the amount of time they have put into it. it is one of the few aspects of spirit that, as far as we know, does not improve with practice.

dream walking
spirit users are able to cast and control dreams, involving as many people as they want. spirit dreams are draining, and require a large amount of energy to hold them for longer periods of time. however, if two spirit users host a dream at the same time, the energy may be divided between the two. the more spirit dreams a spirit user casts, the stronger their dream walking abilities will become.

energy is likely the hardest spirit aspect to develop. strong energy users often have a knack for gardening, as they often unintentionally are able to place their energy into the plant and encourage its growth. more crucially though, skilled energy users are said to be able to heal and even resurrect others. though it has never been seen in action anywhere in europe, there is said to be a man in the united states that pulled his best friend back from the brink of death, leaving them with a shadow kissed bond.

teleportation is the most draining of all of spirits aspects. while it doesn't take a lot of skill to practice, it can physically wipe you out for days after it. next to nobody is able to teleport far, often only able to make themselves materialise in and out of adjoining rooms.

substance use
substance use, particularly that of psychedelics and alcohol, aids spirit use. many spirit users first discover their abilities through a particularly excessive usage of substance abuse, and the strength of their spirit can be extremely heightened by this. if used strategically, spirits power can be assisted by the substance use.
unfortunately though, along with its usual side effects, it also increases the speed of the mental deterioration that comes with spirit.

side effects
spirit use comes with a lot of mental side effects on the brain. it can cause depression, erratic behaviour, 'voices' inside of the head, and much more. it can have such a severe effect on the brain that it can cause spirit users to hurt others or themselves, and jumble thoughts to the point that they are no longer able to function normally. the more spirit power a person uses, the greater the effect it will have. many spirit uses choose to allow the mental effects to take the toll on their physical body instead, allowing them to continue to use spirit for as long as possible. in some severe cases, this can take the form of illnesses, but for most it simply effects their physical appearance.
spirit usage is addictive. the more a person uses, the harder they find it to discontinue their use. different types of spirit has varying effects on the user, but larger cases will take larger effects.

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