fifty one

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i stuffed my new clothes in my suitcase, struggling to close it. it had closed perfectly when i'd came to the manor, because i had literally fetched the bare minimum. lily had spoiled both me and emma though, and now i had a whole host of new outfits and accessories overloading my suitcase. 'draco?' i called, watching as he poked his head round his door at the end of the corridor 'will you come sit on my suitcase for me?'
'i feel like there was definitely a fat joke hidden in there somewhere' he sighed, walking down the corridor towards the guest room and pushing the door open. he sighed again, looking at the mess of my suitcase. 'did nobody ever teach you how to fold?'
'are you my mother?' i grinned, emptying everything back out onto the floor around me 'come on then, show me how it done'. he sat down begrudgingly, starting to fold up my clothes into tiny, neat, flat squares and stacking them perfectly into my suitcase.

'no need to show off' i grumbled, noticing how most of the pile was gone and less than half of the suitcase was full. he grinned at me, reaching over and grabbing another t-shirt, frowning when he noticed the small brown file underneath it. 'i didn't realise you fetched this with you?' he said quietly, picking it up and looking at it. 'i read it sometimes' i shrugged awkwardly 'it's no big deal'.
'i'm sorry' he said gently, placing the file down in my suitcase, careful to keep it flat and crease free. i smiled at him, attempting to fold one of my shirts to cover it and groaning in frustration when it crumpled back into a messy hall. 'how are yours so perfect?' i complained, picking it back up and throwing it at him. 'i would say practice, but i'm actually just naturally the best at everything' he grinned. i rolled my eyes, pushing the rest of the pile towards him. 'okay mr perfect, you can do the rest then'.

he laughed, dutifully working his way through the pile and i lay back on the floor, closing my eyes. 'thank you for letting me come here for christmas' i smiled, reaching over to try and find his hand without opening my eyes. he sat in silence for a second, possibly just watching my hand slide along the floor looking for his, before grabbing my hand and squeezing it. 'it's okay. i'm glad you came. christmas was a lot less miserable with you here'.

'what do you think it'll be like? back at school?' i sat back up, frowning 'i mean. with the murders and everything'.
'maybe they've found out who it is over the holidays' draco said optimistically, finishing folding my clothes and zipping up my suitcase 'i don't think anything bad will happen when we go back. the school would have to be insane to not have increased the security'.
'i hope your right' i said uneasily, toying with myself over whether i could bring myself to ask what i really wanted to know. 'do you think peters okay?'
'peter? have you still not heard from him?' i shook my head and draco shuffled over, wrapping his arm around me. 'elizabeth, when you'd only just discovered your spirit you nearly killed peter with a candle stick' i frowned as he said that, wishing people would stop bringing up the candle stick incident. 'peter has been a spirit user for years' draco continued 'imagine how much stronger his powers are. i think if a murderer went after him, they'd be fighting a losing battle'. i wasn't convinced but i forced myself to smile at him, standing up and dusting myself off. 'thank you' i kissed him gently on the lips, wheeling my suitcase out of my room.


'do you mind if i sit with emma and lily on the train?' i asked draco as we pulled up outside the station 'i've spent all the holidays with you pretty much, and i've only spent one day with them'.
'it's fine' he shook his head 'go sit with your friends. i should probably go and find my crew of morons too'. i smiled at him, kissing him quickly again before hurrying off by myself towards the platform.

emma and lily had already bagsied a carriage when i got there, and i sat down in it gratefully. 'you're wearing one of your new t-shirts' lily grinned.
'i am' i nodded 'what do you think?'
'it suits you' emma smiled.
'of course it suits her' lily laughed 'i'm telling you, i don't know why i go to school. i could have a bright future ahead of me as a stylist'. i rolled my eyes, looking down at the t-shirt again. it was a nice t-shirt.

'have either of you done snapes potions essay? i only wrote ten pages and he said he wanted eleven. i'm so stressed' emma sighed.
'nope' me and lily answered in unison, shrugging.
'i was gonna do it on the train' i told her 'but i can't really be bothered now'.
'ditto' lily grinned 'oh well. maybe i will become a stylist after all. or maybe i'll just flick my hair and flutter my eyelashes. the famous lily o'neall charm'.
'lily' emma scolded 'he's a teacher'.
'so?' lily smirked 'he's also human. nobody, teacher or not, can resist this'. i laughed, tucking my feet up on the chair and resting my chin on my knees.
'i missed you both' i admitted 'i had fun with draco, but i missed yous. is that properly sad?'
'yes' lily nodded 'but it's okay, because i missed yous too. i guess we're all properly sad.'.
'definitely' emma smiled.

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