sixty one

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i sat in class again, another mundane cycle of trying to forget what was happening. me and lily weren't allowed to miss classes, the school thought that we needed 'routine'. we were allowed to step out whenever we needed though, and lily took advantage of that a lot. i didn't even have the energy to step out, it took all my motivation just to drag myself from class to class. i twisted my rose ring around and around my finger, needing anything to do to distract me from crying.

i hadn't actually completed any of the questions, or even attempted to, but i didn't suppose it mattered. i was probably going to end up failing at the end of this year, but i couldn't really find it in me to care. the bell rang and i stood up, barely making it into the corridor before draco cornered me. 'elizabeth-'
'draco' i cut him off 'if you're not going to give me drugs, i don't care'
'okay' he sighed 'that's fine. i just needed to know you were alright'.
'you don't care' i snapped 'so don't act like you do'
'i do, i-'
'if you cared' i yelled 'you never would have got me readdicted to the drugs. i wouldn't even know that spirit exists. i wouldn't be hopelessly lying in bed every night thinking about how i could save my best friend. i wouldn't be thinking what if-'
'i get it' draco interrupted 'and i'm sorry. i really am sorry'

'then give me drugs'
'no elizabeth, you know i can't'
'give me drugs draco' my voice was getting louder now, and people were starting to stare but honestly? i didn't give a fuck. 'elizabeth-'

he sighed, 'i can't help you elizabeth. i love you, but i can't help you'. he turned, walking away down the corridor, and it hurt more than it should have have to watch him walk away.

 addiction - draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now